Chapter 219 Shocked the audience
"Today's event is really interesting. Will someone use this event to express love to Su Nuannuan?"

Liu Guo smiled, looking forward to it, it was the first time he saw such an event in a bar.

"Well, will you get me? I'm the little prince of KTV love songs, the kind who will be envied as soon as I enter KTV!"

Chen Lu shook his head, looking very helpless.

"This fat man is really good at singing, especially those drool-worthy love songs, such as Infatuation Absolutely, Let Your Hands Go, etc. are all good!" Huo Zhen is a truth-telling person.

So his words.

Fang Fan believed it.

This fat man, I didn't expect to have a brush, it's very good!

"Then I'll get Fatty later, I'd like to hear his singing voice!" Fang Fan looked forward to it.

"It would be more fun if you were drawn!" Su Nuannuan said suddenly.

" singing voice will scare people to death!" Fang Fan shook his head, pretending that he couldn't sing. After all, he picked up a song before and learned the guitar for the rest of his life, but he didn't want to sing.

"Shouldn't you get yourself?" Fang Fan didn't want to get himself.

However, the more you will be drawn.

Here's the weird thing.

Just like when you were in school, the teacher asks people to do the questions, the more you don't want the teacher to name you.

You will be more targeted.

It's just so weird.

The light beam flashed rapidly.

The venue seemed very quiet.

Suddenly, the light beam fell on Fang Fan's body.

"Uh..." Fang Fan was stunned, and everyone looked at Fang Fan.

"Haha... I didn't expect that!" Su Nuannuan smiled, and she was hit as soon as she said it, and the cocktail in her plump mouth almost spewed out.

Fang Fan was simply speechless.

It's really me.

"Haha... Brother, look, the less you want to go up, the more you will be selected!" Chen Lu smiled. He took out a few pieces of paper and prepared to plug his ears so that he wouldn't be scared by the singing. Arrived.

"Amazing! This is an opportunity for you to perform in front of Su Xiaohua, hurry up!" Liu Guo also planned to plug his ears, otherwise the ears would be burst.

"You guys are really ghosts, I'm not afraid of what are you afraid of?" Huo Zhen shook his head, "You can see how confident Fang Fan is, and he doesn't panic when things happen, which shows that he has real strength!"

"Yes...someone with real strength!" Su Nuan joked, her beauty was beyond words.

And he raised a cocktail, "Come and have a drink before going up!"

"I really don't want to go up there and lose face!" Fang Fan was speechless, does this beauty really like to see herself make a fool of herself?He still thought it was fun, but he still picked up the cocktail and clinked a glass with Su Nuan.

It made the boys around me very angry.

How could Su Nuannuan, the school belle, treat Fang Fan so well.

In their dreams, they all want to have a drink with Xiaohua.

But there is no chance.

When Li Jianren saw that scene, he was also very angry, "Wait, I will make you look ugly! Dare to snatch Su Nuannuan from me!"

"Haha... embarrassing Fang Fan is our biggest plan! Let him lose face!"

Chen Yang and Li Jianren looked at each other and smiled, they looked treacherous.

"Come on... Come to the bar, don't you follow the rules here?"

"That's right, is it because you're afraid?" Wu Jianhao said emphatically.

"What's there to be afraid of?" Fang Fan didn't take it seriously. If he went up, he would be the prettiest guy in the bar tonight.

He just didn't want to go up and load the fork.

These people insisted on going up to steal all the glory, he was really speechless.

There are so many people begging for a slap in the face?
"Why are you scared? Don't dare to go up?" Li Jianren walked over from the side, "It's okay if you don't want to drink, get out immediately?"

"Are you out of your mind? What does it matter to you if I want to sing or not?" Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and stared at the teenager. Why did this guy have a problem with him? Just now he walked over to the DJ again.Obviously there is something tricky in this, and it is possible that they caused them to be hit by the beam.

And that DJ is called Chen Yang, he does know him. In order to help a beautiful woman, they pretended to be boyfriend and girlfriend to force Chen Yang to break up with the beautiful woman.

Obviously, Chen Yang came here for revenge this time.

But he felt it didn't matter.

"Up and up..."

"Go up and sing!"

"What do you look like twitching?"

"one two Three."

"Hurry up... go up and sing..."

Suddenly, the voices of Chen Yang and a female DJ sounded on the stereo.

Let everyone in the room can't help singing along.

"Go up! I'm still afraid?" Fang Fan jumped onto the stage and picked up the microphone.

"I didn't expect to be able to drink with Su Nuannuan today. It's a great honor...and since everyone likes to listen to my singing so much, let's sing a song for everyone. I don't know much, I only know one song." I just learned "The Rest of My Life" recently."

Fang Fan said confidently, "But, I think someone wants me to sing because they want to make me look ugly. I want to bet with Li Jianren. If I sing well and get everyone's approval, then I will use warm applause. If it doesn't sound good, then everyone don't applaud. So if there is warm applause then let Li Jianren eat shit!"

"Uh..." Li Jianren was taken aback. How did this guy know that he was secretly tricking him? He was startled and very surprised.

"Why don't you dare?" Fang Fan looked at Li Jianren and said with a wicked smile, provocative in his eyes.

"Cut... then you can sing... If you don't get everyone's applause by then, then you will kneel in front of Su Nuannuan and eat shit!" Li Jianren sneered, this guy is really looking for a face, he has seen you Stupid, never thought of such a stupid, then let him know how powerful he is.

This guy is obviously so confident because he has heard his own singing before. He wants to make a fool of himself, right?

How could I make him happy.

Make sure to let him know another side of himself.

Let him own his own beautiful singing voice.

"I'll play it myself!" Fang Fan brought the stand and placed the microphone in front of him.

Then I borrowed a guitar from the guitarist next to me.

"This guy still wants to play and sing by himself?" Li Jianren felt that this guy was too funny. As far as he knew, this guy was a rich second generation who didn't know anything, let alone play guitar.

He wanted to pretend to be a fork, but he didn't look at the place. This was a trap he had set for him, and the more he pretended, the more he would be ashamed.

He didn't take it seriously, anyway, he had seen Fang Fan's disgusting performance and heard Fang Fan's disgusting singing before, so it was impossible for him to have any good singing.

Just noise.

It will only be ridiculed by everyone, and will only become the object of disgust.

It is impossible for Xianyu to turn over, impossible, absolutely impossible.

Unless he's had some kind of throat surgery, but he's not interested in singing.

He is very confident.

Others also wanted to see Fang Fan's jokes.

After all, they finally came to the bar to strike up a conversation with Su Nuannuan's school belle, but they didn't expect the school belle to have a drink with Fang Fan directly, ignoring them.

In this way, Fang Fan became a public enemy invisibly.

And Fang Fan was standing on the small stage in the bar. This place was for the resident singers, so there were guitars and stereos.

There are also nice lighting effects.

"Dangdang..." Fang Fan connected the guitar to the stereo, played it a few times, and then found a chair to stand in front of the microphone.

"This guy must be pretending, he can't play the guitar!" Li Jianren sneered, and was about to watch Fang Fan make a fool of himself.

Wu Jianhao also agrees with Li Jianren's statement, they know Fang Fan too well.

"He can play the guitar?" Su Nuannuan, seeing that he tried the guitar and looked very professional, as if he was good at playing the guitar, asked Chen Lu and the others curiously.

"Hey...he can't, this guy is even more tone-deaf than me, let alone the guitar, if he sings softly, it will scare people to death!" Liu Guo has heard Fang Fan's singing voice.

"Don't talk nonsense and just listen!" Huo Zhen was looking forward to holding the cocktail. Fang Fan was not what they thought. This guy was so mysterious, and he obviously wouldn't make a fool of himself if he could stand on a stage with so many people.

The venue became very quiet.

Fang Fan started to play the guitar.

"Ding dong..." The melodious guitar sound sounded, which made people listen very peacefully.

"How is it possible? Doesn't he know how to play the guitar?" Li Jianren looked confused, "He must be cheating!!"

"Damn it!" Wu Jianhao looked dazed and couldn't believe it.

"It's interesting!" Su Nuannuan said curiously.

"Damn... when did he know how to play the guitar? We share the same dormitory, so we don't even know!!"

Chen Lu was very surprised, but he was very happy for Fang Fan. It seemed that he would not be laughed at.

"Ah... no wonder he dared to stand on that stage!" Liu Guo really looked at Fang Fan with admiration.

"Some people are born to be dazzling!"

Huo Zhen said.

Afterwards, Fang Fan began to drink affectionately.

Find the sun in a windless place

Be a warm sun in your cold place

Personnel rush
you are always naive
the rest of my life
I only want you

His voice was neither loud nor soft.

Not high, bass is nice.

Also a little hoarse.

It's comfortable to hear.

"Uh..." Everyone in the audience was surprised that this guy sang so well, not a single word was out of tune, and he was so emotional, and he played the guitar very well.

It's hard to believe that this is the Fang Fan who is tone-deaf, the Fang Fan who used to make big jokes because of his singing.

Most people are horrified.

"Impossible... This is definitely not what he sang!" Li Jianren yelled in disbelief. He was a little panicked. If this continues, he will eat shit.

It's disgusting to think about.

He was about to turn around and run away quietly.

But they were stopped by Huo Zhen and Chen Lu.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to run?" Chen Lu said with a smirk, and grabbed Li Jianren's arm. His fat hand made Li Jianren unable to move.

"Haha... how could you run away? I just want to take a break! I'm very honest, and what I say is like water poured out. How could I break my promise?" Li Jianren smiled, he didn't expect these two This guy dared to catch himself.

"What are you doing? You want to restrict my friend's personal freedom. My uncle owns this bar. Believe it or not, as long as I say a word, you will never leave!" Vanness Wu threatened in a cold voice.

"Are we still afraid of your uncle?" Huo Zhen disagreed, "Isn't your uncle just a puppy in front of me, do you believe that I can beat him with one finger?"

"I don't believe it!" Vanness Wu also dismissed it.

"Is it okay if I don't walk?" Li Jianren was also frightened.

"Then be honest." Chen Lu chuckled.

Let go of Li Jianren.

Then he and Huo Zhen returned to Su Nuannuan's side.

"It's okay, they don't dare to mess around!" Wu Jianhao immediately called his uncle.

Tell his uncle to call someone over.

"Thank you!" Li Jianren nodded.

Then he looked up at Fang Fan on the stage.

It's so radiant.

How can this damn guy sing so well.

It's unbelievable, he can sing better than some stars, this is what he least expected.

The rest of the life

Blizzard is you
plain is you
Poverty is also you

Ronghua is you
The tender heart is you

also you

I want to take you to see the clear sky

wanna tell you out loud i'm obsessed with you

"I didn't expect him to be able to sing so well, this song is so beautiful!" Su Nuannuan was so intoxicated, she was almost fascinated by Fang Fan.

Simply too handsome, right?
Her heartbeat accelerated slightly.

It felt like there was light on him.

She couldn't help but want to look at him more.

This simply caught her by surprise.

I didn't expect to come to the bar tonight to have unexpected gains.

This is life, if you don't go out for a walk, maybe you won't get anything.

with the music

"Papa..." There was warm applause, 80.00% of the audience applauded. Although some boys didn't want to applaud, Fang Fan's drink was really good, it was simply too good to hear.

For the rest of my life, you will be the wind and snow, you will be the ordinary, and you will be the poor...

What a beautiful lyrics.

"Sounds good!" Someone exclaimed.

"Wonderful!" Su Nuannuan also praised.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for finishing singing "The Rest of My Life" and getting the next song "The Wind Blows Over Eight Thousand Miles". 】

"It seems that I am not a person who sings alone!"

Fang Fan said with a smile.

"Su Nuannuan is beautiful!" Suddenly, an evil voice sounded from the side, and Lin Xuan limped to Su Nuannuan's side, "My name is Lin Xuan, nice to meet you!"

"Lin Xuan?" Su Nuannuan couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the name, isn't this guy the protagonist of Fang Fan's previous novel?
This thing actually appeared.

But why doesn't he look like the main character?

The face is covered with injuries and the feet are also limping. Isn't it too miserable?
"You know me?" Su Nuannuan asked curiously, he actually regarded himself as a withdrawal bank, she wanted to see how this guy dared.

"Of course, how could I not recognize a peerless beauty like you? You like to listen to music? I can sing too, and it's even better than Fang Fan!"

Lin Xuan said confidently, "Why don't I sing it to you?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested!" Su Nuannuan shook her head, isn't this guy too familiar?

"Oh!" How did Lin Xuan feel that this beautiful woman was weird, why didn't the way of striking up a conversation that he had thought up before not work?

Could it be something to do with Fang Fan, that damn guy?
Wherever there are beauties, this dead Fang Fan will also appear.

I'm really mad at myself.

What the hell is he?
"There's another one!" Lin Xuan smirked. As far as he knew, Fang Fan was tone deaf, and he checked it very carefully. Even if he knew this one for the rest of his life, what about the second one?
He definitely won't.

He had to make a fool of himself before he could appear on stage.

Conquer this Su Nuan Nuan.

"One more song!" Li Jianren suddenly thought of a question, this Fang Fan should have come prepared before, so it should take a lot of time to practice this song for someone like him who has no musical ability, he should not be the second first?
So he followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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