good sunset view

Chapter 107 Don't treat yourself badly

Chapter 107 Don't treat yourself badly

This is indeed the most satisfying gift Si Jingchen has received in the past 12 years, and it is also the gift he most wants.

"Xi'er, do you know? I almost never take a look at the gifts at the party today, and I don't even know who gave what, and most of those gifts will be donated to various charities and welfare organizations." Si Jing Chen said to Shi Luoxi.

Shi Luoxi said puzzledly: "But those gifts are so precious, and besides, it's all in their hearts."

Si Jingchen smiled: "The gift that is really prepared with care is a gift like Xi'er, which is precious, and my brother likes it very much." After speaking, he left Shi Luoxi's bedroom in his shirt.

Shi Luoxi was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought that she would have class tomorrow, so she yawned and went to bed.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she felt that the bed was sunken and opened her eyes immediately.

Opened his mouth: "Brother..."

"Go to sleep! You have class tomorrow." Si Jingchen didn't give Shi Luoxi a chance to speak.

However, Shi Luoxi still opened his mouth and asked: "How many nights will it thunder again?" Only when the weather is bad, my brother will sleep with me because he wants to take care of me who is afraid of thunder and lightning.

Si Jingchen seemed to have fallen asleep, and couldn't hear clearly: "Well, go to sleep! You can't hear it when you fall asleep..."

Shi Luoxi immediately closed her eyes obediently, but did not forget to say: "Brother, happy birthday." Then she really fell asleep, she didn't want to wake up in the cabinet the next day.

After a while, Shi Luoxi heard the sound of even breathing. Si Jingchen opened his eyes and looked at his little girl seriously.

As a birthday star, he certainly doesn't want to treat himself badly!

Although there is no thunder and lightning tonight, he just wants to fall asleep with his little girl in his arms!Full of happiness.

Of course, this is not a small test for Si Jingchen, after all, he can only watch but not eat, it is still itchy.

"Xi'er, grow up quickly!" Finally, she kissed Shi Luoxi's forehead, and then fell asleep contentedly.

This seems to be the happiest birthday Si Jingchen has had in the past 12 years since that incident. He even forgot his own birthday once before.

With the spring, the air in the morning is particularly fresh. Shi Luoxi was woken up by the alarm clock, and this was one of the few times Si Jingchen didn't turn off the alarm clock for her.

Looking at the time, Shi Luoxi struggled to get up from the bed. The time she slept last night was indeed longer than her usual time to fall asleep, so it was a bit difficult to get up quickly today.

Shi Luoxi, who was yawning, was busy washing up. After tidying up, she walked out of the bedroom and walked to the dining room as usual. Her brother who was reading the newspaper was always ahead of her.

Butler Li who served Shi Luoxi breakfast: "Master, is this shirt new?"

Hearing someone ask about his shirt, Si Jingchen actually replied: "Well, does it look good?"

Butler Li said faithfully: "It looks good, the young master is very handsome."

The sharp-eyed Lily recognized the origin of this shirt at a glance: "Here, this is the one designed by the young lady in that old men's clothing store that day? Sure enough, I said that the young master will be very handsome in wearing it, and the young lady is too amazing , not only can design clothes for the young master, but also guess the size of the young master." Although Lily talked too much today, Si Jingchen was really not angry at all, on the contrary, he couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

If it wasn't for what Lili said, Si Jingchen wouldn't know that this shirt was designed by Xiao Nizi herself. In other words, this is a unique shirt!

(End of this chapter)

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