good sunset view

Chapter 108 that year

Chapter 108 That Year

"Xi'er, I'm only allowed to design for my brother in the future." Si Jingchen said suddenly.

Shi Luoxi nodded first, and then shook her head. She promised that sister Xuan would design one for her elder brother.

Si Jingchen was a little unhappy: "Why?"

Shi Luoxi immediately said: "I have already promised Sister Xuan to design one for eldest brother, I can't go back on it!" If I go back on it, it means that she is the kind of person who does not keep promises.

Si Jingchen endured it, after all, Xiao Nizi had already agreed, and she couldn't let her go back on her word: "Don't agree casually in the future." Our Si Da is so domineering.

After breakfast, they went out together, one was destination school, the other was company.

Si Jingchen returned to the company.

What happened last night is not over yet!Dare to hurt his little girl, he wants to see who is so bold.

Of course, in the meantime, I can't help thinking about the purpose of having that party last night.

Thinking back to the year when he first came to the UK, that year can be said to be his worst year, and that year broke all his previous life plans.

He still clearly remembers the moment when he set foot in the UK. Unlike most Chinese who came to the UK, most of them came to study, but he did not. There was only one reason for him to set foot on this land. He was avoiding, avoiding. What happened that year.

When he first came to the UK, there was always a little girl's voice in his head. He would often wake up from his sleep and find himself alone.

He has always been introverted, and he doesn't want to integrate into the new environment at all. He often locks himself in the house alone.

The life of a person is always so tormented. One day he finally mustered up the courage to go to the park to get some air. Unexpectedly, he bumped into a little girl when he arrived in the park. The little girl kept crying. At that moment, he realized that he Really from now on, I can only be one person.

When he got home, he put the only photo he brought along with the graffitied comic book in an inconspicuous place, not wanting to see it.

It was also in that year that he discovered that he could not touch anything related to the empire. As long as he touched him, he would definitely have a headache, and the pain would be so painful that he wanted to end himself. If Steward Li and the others hadn't been by his side at that time, He thought he must be long gone.

He might have gone after that follower, but fortunately, fortunately, he came over, otherwise he would not know, he would meet a silly girl, a silly girl who was abducted by himself.

Thinking of that silly girl, he couldn't help but smile again. If it wasn't broken by the sudden arrival of Alan, Si Jingchen would probably still be able to giggle for a long time.

"Is Roy thinking of me? You're smiling so happily!" Alan asked narcissistically.

Si Jingchen gave him a blank look: "What do you think of what happened last night?" He immediately returned to the topic.

Alan handed the tablet in his hand to Si Jingchen: "It contains all the surveillance cameras of the hotel last night, but I saw that many places where cuties appear alone are surveillance blind spots."

Si Jingchen asked, "Have you checked the bathroom carefully?"

Alan nodded: "But I didn't find anything suspicious."

Si Jingchen nodded, and suddenly said, "Are you familiar with Ivy?"

For this question, uh, how should Alan answer it!
"It's okay! Actually, I don't know much about it. I don't even know how she joined us. Oh, by the way, maybe that kid Bell knows her better! It seems that that kid has something interesting about Ivy. "

(End of this chapter)

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