good sunset view

Chapter 109 Suspicion from friends

Chapter 109 Suspicion from friends

Si Jingchen frowned: "In other words, this Ivy doesn't know you too well?"

Alan shrugged, everyone just gets together to play once in a while!Having said that, I have known him for five or six years, so I gradually got used to the existence of this person.

"Have you investigated her?" Si Jingchen asked.

Alan didn't quite understand: "Why do you want to investigate Ivy? Isn't she considered a friend? You don't need to be too serious when making friends! It doesn't seem very good to investigate people."

Si Jingchen denied: "No, I don't think this kind of person who claims to be a friend is my friend. If I didn't always think that she is a friend of you and Bell, I would have done it long ago."

Hearing what Si Jingchen said, Alan opened his mouth, in other words: "Did you never take him seriously?"

Si Jingchen nodded.

Alan couldn't help but burst out: "Damn it, don't you also see that Ivy likes you?"

Si Jingchen frowned, as if Xi'er had said the same, but: "That's her business, do you have to show everyone who likes you?"

Alan shrugged again: "By the way, why are you suddenly so interested in Ivy today?"

Si Jingchen chuckled and said, "Remember last night, even our last gathering."

Alan really thought about it seriously: "There is nothing wrong, the only difference is that she seems to be very interested in cuties."

Si Jingchen nodded, and then said: "You probably don't know that Xi'er went to Xiaochi alone last night. Someone deliberately induced him, and that person..."

Alan said uncertainly: "ivy?"

Si Jingchen: "That's right, she told Xi'er that I was waiting for Xi'er in Xiaochi."

Alan was obviously shocked by this news. He couldn't believe that this person who had been with them for five or six years, who looked very gentle and kind, would do such a thing: "Roy, could it be that you made a mistake? ?”

Si Jingchen shook his head, he insisted on his point of view: "Check this person carefully!"

Alan asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Si Jingchen said solemnly this time: "Because she violated my bottom line, she absolutely shouldn't have thought of my Xi'er. Of course, if she hadn't thought about it, maybe I would never have thought about it." Pay attention to this character."

To be honest, if Ivy heard Si Jingchen's words, she would definitely be happy!After all, five or six years of hard work finally got his attention.

Seeing Si Jingchen like this, Alan knew he was serious this time.Of course, that's how he is, either he doesn't care or he scares you to death when he gets serious.

"I will give you the desired result as soon as possible." Alan promised.

As the head of one of the top law firms in the UK, it is not a problem to investigate such trivial matters.

Si Jingchen replied: "Well, as soon as possible, preferably before my new project is completed."

Alan didn't understand why the time he gave was before his new project was completed, and as far as he knew, his project seemed to be almost completed: "Why before this project was completed?"

Si Jingchen looked out the window: "I'm going back to China."

Alan frowned: "You invested in this project this time, isn't it for better development in the UK and even Europe in the future?"

Si Jingchen shook his head: "No, this time I will choose this project to be completed in the UK. It can be regarded as my farewell to this country. As I said, I am alive again, and I understand the meaning of life again." He was strong Said.

(End of this chapter)

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