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Chapter 123 IB Conference

Chapter 123 IB Conference

It was Si Jingchen, IB was a gift he gave to his little girl, he knew better than anyone else, once this was exposed, his little girl's safety would definitely be threatened.

So this is one of the reasons why he is determined not to let IB invest in the Asian market. Of course, there is another reason. IB is also Si Jingchen's farewell gift to bid farewell to this city.

After IB is successfully listed this time, he will formally return to his motherland, his family, and even be himself.

It's been almost 13 years, and it's time to try to let go of the past.

IB's products always give people a sense of rush in the later stage. Not long after the commercial shooting, it is the IB press conference.

IB invested a lot this time, which naturally attracted attention from all walks of life, and many people came to participate in the IB new product launch conference.

On the big screen is a photo of IB products and spokespersons.The photo didn't show the girl's face clearly, and it's worth mentioning that even if you saw the advertisement, you couldn't see the spokesperson's face clearly.

This is Si Jingchen's protection for his little girl. Although she is abroad, she should not be exposed too much.

Just like this press conference, although he brought his little girl to participate, he arranged his little girl among the crowd.

At the press conference, Si Jingchen was the spokesperson.

"I'm very pleased with everyone's trust in Si and your expectations for IB..." Si Jingchen officially said a bunch of thank you speeches.

Then it officially entered the topic: "IB products are products that Si has invested heavily in this time, and they will only be sold in European and American countries. The IB mobile phone you see now breaks the conventional design of the past. The seven major Key points: first, the appearance, according to different groups of people, this IB has not only worked hard on the color, but also designed the appearance that is loved by different age groups; second, the workmanship is fine; third, fast charging, no matter how much power is left , it must be fully charged within half an hour... Finally, IB adopted a brand new lens, which is no less than a video camera... The above is the introduction of IB products."

Although it was not the first time for Shi Luoxi, who was sitting below, to hear the detailed introduction of IB, she listened to it very seriously at this time, and looked at her brother on the stage so proudly: that was her brother.

After Si Jingchen finished his introduction, it was a question from a media reporter.

"May I ask why President Si personally serves as IB's spokesperson this time? As far as I know, President Si is very low-key and doesn't want to be in the public eye." A reporter asked.

Si Jingchen returned seriously: "Because IB is very important to me. Of course, the importance here does not mean the importance of grades."

It's not important in terms of grades, so what kind of important is it?It's just that the media reporters didn't dare to continue to ask questions, and they couldn't afford to mess with the chief executive.

A senior reporter then asked: "President Si, this time I put all my heart into IB, and IB only invests in the European and American markets. Does this mean that the center of Si's will shift from China to Europe and the United States?"

Si Jingchen: "No, on the contrary, IB is my farewell ceremony to bid farewell to this city. The center of the Si family will still be in the empire, and I will officially bid farewell to England. The city of the year." This is Si Jingchen's few explanations to the outside world.

Apparently his explanation caused an uproar below, and everyone couldn't believe it was true.

Of course, there are also very sharp media reporters: "The reason why Mr. Si did this is nothing more than to please Europe and the United States. He can not only do business in Europe and the United States, but also do business in empires, Asia, and even the world. Am I right, President Si?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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