Chapter 124
Si Jingchen sneered: "Do you think it is necessary to do this given Si's current global status? The original intention of IB was indeed in the East, and it was released in Europe and the United States, but it really wasn't to make Si bigger. You don’t need to do that because of your wealth. As I said, it doesn’t matter if your IB results are good or bad.”

"Those who know me may know that I have lived in the UK for nearly 13 years, and I have never returned to my homeland during these 13 years. I think you can understand!" Si Jingchen looked at it and sat down seriously. Shi Luoxi was listening to her own speech.

"The reason why IB chooses to release it on this day is because I want to say the ultimate farewell to this city. IB only invests in Europe and the United States, which is my Roy's complete ultimate for me in the past 13 years..." Listening to Si Jingchen's strong In response, everyone burst into applause.

At the press conference, the only thing he didn’t say is that IB is also a special gift he gave to his girl. The reason why he chose to release it on this day is because his little girl’s first birthday this year is today. .

IB was his gift to her. He used IB to bid farewell to his 13 years of loneliness, and he also used IB to greet his little girl.

Leaving this city and returning to the embrace of the motherland, he only has her in his eyes from now on.

After the IB press conference was over, Si Jingchen was completely idle, and he postponed all his work.

Xiao Nizi has lived with him in this city for almost half a year, and he hasn't really taken her anywhere yet.

On the night when the press conference ended, Wei Feng, Steward Li and Lili celebrated her birthday, but Shi Luoxi also received a call from the other side of the ocean, that was her sister Xuan, and of course her elder brother.

Sister Xuan is still able to piss you off like that: "Xixi, happy birthday! Since you are not in the country, so! My sister is not going to prepare a birthday gift for you. Oh! By the way, I heard that you will I’m going back to China soon, don’t forget to bring me a gift~” Hearing this, I wanted to ask, Sister Xuan, can we be more realistic?

After a simple celebration, Si Jingchen had already ordered Wei Feng, Steward Li, and Lily to ensure that Shi Luoxi did not fall asleep after midnight.

He himself was watching Xiao Nizi and the others playing cards. Every time when Luo Xi was so sleepy that he was about to fall asleep: "Xi'er, play Jack, Wei Feng only has a 10 in his hand."

When Shi Luoxi heard this, she immediately raised her spirits again. Assistant Wei, who was bullied every time, was very sad. Is there a punishment for this?He doesn't know how much water he's drank, how many times he's gone to the bathroom, but what can he do!

The young master's eyes are the kind that can kill people, does he dare to speak?dare not.Dare to be angry?I dare not.

Of course it would be boring to win all the time, so Wei Feng and the others didn't let Shi Luoxi win all the time, but in the end, Shi Luoxi started to be unlucky and lost one game after another.

So, regarding the punishment, at first I was able to hold on, but in the end I really couldn't hold on: "Brother." She looked at her good brother with a small look for help.

Si Jingchen: "Yes."

Shi Luoxi continued to chatter a lot: "Brother, are you thirsty? Look at Xi'er's glass of water, it's delicious..."

But there is always a little reward for the effort: "I drink first, and the rest of my brother will help you."

Then the three of them left alone, looking straight at their young master and young lady, do you think this is fair?They are single-handed, but the young lady has a young master!
(End of this chapter)

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