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Chapter 125 0:0

Chapter 125
Then, Shi Luoxi took a small sip, then handed the remaining half of the cup to her masked brother.

The time finally reached [-]:[-] unknowingly. According to the young master's plan, Wei Feng will appear next.

When the last game of cards was played, it was not over: "Miss, you have won, let's admit defeat, okay, I really have to go to the bathroom again."

Before Luo Xi could reply, Wei Feng left the card table directly, and when he came back again, he had something extra in his hand.

Before she was given a moment to react, she arrived in the arms of her masked brother, and the magnetic voice rang in her ears again: "Happy birthday, my little fool." Quite a quarter to go.

Shi Luoxi was very moved, she never expected her brother to send her birthday wishes so punctually.

Si Jingchen continued, "IB has already succeeded."

She knew what her masked brother said, and nodded.

"I've been in the UK for so long, it seems that I haven't taken my Xi'er anywhere formally. Is there any place Xi'er wants to go?" Si Jingchen asked unhurriedly.

Shi Luoxi shook her head without thinking, "It seems not."

Regarding Xiao Nizi's answer, Si Jingchen had already guessed: "Yes, but brother has a place he wants to go, would Xi'er want to go with him?"

Will Shi Luoxi agree to the invitation from her brother?
"En." When Luoxi returned, as long as it was proposed by her masked brother, she would definitely not refuse.

Seeing his little sheep falling into his wolf's den step by step, Si Da, the big bad wolf, was very happy.

The big bad wolf spoke again: "Xi'er is so kind, but this time is considered a tour, and some places need to sign an agreement in advance."

After Si Jingchen finished speaking, Wei Feng took out sheets of paper and put them in front of Shi Luoxi and the others: "Miss and Master need to sign travel agreements for these places."

Shi Luoxi trusts them very much, so she will not read the specific content of these agreements.

Shi Luoxi said stupidly: "Brother, with so many agreements, how many places are you going to go to?"

Si Jingchen: "Not much, and it's getting late, we signed it because the itinerary is scheduled for tomorrow."

After Si Jingchen finished speaking, he picked up the pen and signed it.

After he signed, it was Shi Luoxi, who also signed his name on these agreements one by one.

He kept staring at his little girl, Du Si Jingchen, and after she finished signing the last one, the smile on the corner of her mouth grew wider and wider.

After Shi Luoxi finished signing, she was quite excited. She looked at her masked brother and said, "Brother, the signing is over."

Si Jingchen praised: "Our family Xi'er is awesome."

Wei Feng, Li Steward, and Lili, who were always by their side, couldn't help complaining: Miss has fallen into a wolf's den, the key is that I don't know it yet, hey!Poor lady.

But another villain of theirs is: how can it be, the lady is not pitiful!She is walking on the door of the road to happiness.

Afterwards, Butler Li said, "Oh, young master, I just remembered that you and Miss haven't taken a photo together yet, why don't you take one today?"

Would the general secretary, who is not born to take pictures, agree?
"Do you want Xi'er?" She asked the little girl next to her in a rare way.

Shi Luoxi thought about it for a while, it seemed that the masked brother really hadn't taken any photos, this time he asked himself, does this count as agreeing to take photos?
"Brother, you, are you agreeing to take pictures?" Shi Luoxi asked uncertainly.

(End of this chapter)

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