good sunset view

Chapter 129 You Are My Sunflower

Chapter 129 You Are My Sunflower
Leaving from Big Ben, when Si Jingchen wasn't taking Luo Xi to other places, he was always worried that his little girl would be tired.

In this way, others can visit several scenic spots in a day, but our classmates Si Da and Luo Xi keep one scenic spot in a day.

Until the last day, the last attraction: the National Gallery.

Si Jingchen didn't know why, he knew his little girl very well, he didn't need to deliberately understand all of his little girl's preferences.

Facing this newly married couple, Si Da loves his little fool very much!
So when they were about to leave the UK, he hoped that the place where this trip to the UK would end had to be his little girl's favorite place.

Shi Luoxi will definitely like the National Gallery of Art in England. As art lovers, viewing various paintings and paintings is what they want.

The moment they stepped into the museum, Shi Luoxi was attracted by the paintings in front of her. She wanted to look at each painting carefully, and excitedly said to the masked brother affectionately: "Brother, you are so kind." .”

Wearing a mask, Si Jingchen would obviously stand out in such a place, so naturally their every move was watched by most people.

"How about brother?" Si Jingchen asked.

Shi Luoxi: "Anywhere is good, anyway, Xi'er just thinks that my brother is good. I have never thought that my brother will bring me here before, but now I am really standing in such a place. Really, these are all Xi'er Never dared to think about it before…”

Every time Shi Luoxi said a little more, Si Jingchen's heart would ache even more. At this moment, how much he wished that he could meet his little girl sooner, how much he wished that he could participate in her life sooner. Life.

But still joked: "Little fool, is this moved?"

While admiring these paintings, Luo Xi didn't say anything to his brother. His brother was good to her, and everything he gave her was the best, but what about me!What can I do for my brother, it will only bring him infinite troubles.

"Brother, is Xi'er particularly troublesome, and there are many things, is brother bothering Xi'er?" Shi Luoxi asked in a low voice.

At this moment, Luo Xi happened to be watching Van Gogh's "Sunflower", looking at the blossoming sunflowers in the vase, they expressed great enthusiasm and affection for dreams.

Si Jingchen said, "Xi'er, do you know that you are like a sunflower; but, unlike Mr. Van Gogh's sunflower, you love life, and even in difficult times, you are still chasing your dreams. "Si Jingchen knew about Xiao Nizi's dream, and before he met her, even though she was in very difficult conditions, she still insisted on her dream.

Si Jingchen said affectionately: "And you are my sunflower, you are like my sunshine, you illuminate me, illuminate me who used to live in darkness..."

Shi Luoxi still couldn't react to her brother who suddenly became literary.

If it wasn't for someone next to him saying: "Wow, that's so cool, the girl must be very happy, awesome."

Only then did Shi Luoxi come to her senses, did her brother say she was his sunflower?And he is not his own sunflower too!

Shi Luoxi couldn't express her feelings at the moment with words, she didn't know what to say, so she followed suit: "Brother is also Xi'er's sunflower."

But I can guarantee that if Shi Luoxi knows that you are my sunflower, the other meaning of this sentence is: you are the one I love.She must really want to smoke her own!
(End of this chapter)

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