good sunset view

Chapter 130 Ending This Journey

Chapter 130 Ending This Journey
Listening to the silly girl's answer, Si Jingchen couldn't mention how happy he was: "Well, my brother loves Xi'er too."

Shi Luoxi felt that she was floating now, and she couldn't find things, things, north and south.

The two held hands in the museum, admiring every masterpiece.


Time is always fast, July has passed, and everything in the UK where they live will come to an end.

Si Jingchen took his little girl to play for about half a month, a tour that only belonged to the two of them.

Si Jingchen looked at his little daughter-in-law: "Xi'er, do you prefer China or here?" Every decision made by the current President Si is always considering his little girl. If Luo Xi's answer is here Well, I can guarantee that our Si Da is likely to change his plan, and even consider bringing his little girl to settle here.

Shi Luoxi replied seriously: "At home, because there is always our home, no matter how nice the outside is, it can't be compared with it." This is really not Shi Luoxi's hypocrisy. Almost everyone thinks so.

Si Jingchen: "Okay, then we'll go back to China."

Shi Luoxi nodded obediently.

Si Jingchen asked, "Can we set off tomorrow morning?"

Under normal circumstances, Si Da usually discusses these matters with his little girl, because now she is his wife, so naturally he has to discuss things with his wife!
Of course, under normal circumstances, no matter what he proposes, our classmate Luo Xi will support it without hesitation.

"it is good."

Luo Xi was quite excited when she thought about going back to China tomorrow. After all, they have been in the UK for half a year, and they have been away from home for so long, so they naturally miss it very much. She misses the tense learning atmosphere in Spanish, and she also misses Xuan Sister and elder brother, of course she misses the little family that belongs to her and her brother.

This return to China may be an eternal farewell for Si Jingchen.

Early the next morning, there was a knock on the door of their house. While eating breakfast, Luo Xi was a little puzzled: Who could it be?

She offered to open the door, but Si Jingchen didn't stop her.

Shi Luoxi opened the door: "Hi, cutie, long time no see!" It was Alan who spoke.

Shi Luoxi looked at them who came suddenly, as if she hadn't seen them for a while, but not for a long time.

"Long time no see Brother Alan, Brother Bell." Shi Luoxi returned politely.

The two didn't wait for Si Jingchen's invitation, and walked in unceremoniously.

Si Jingchen, who was checking the luggage, ignored them, but the two were thick-skinned: "Roy, you said you are too unkind, and you didn't tell my brother when you were leaving."

Si Jingchen returned lightly: "Didn't you know that?"

Well, Alan was speechless: "I know you're leaving, so we're here to see you off."

Si Jingchen nodded, and then said bluntly: "Then put these into the car!" Since Assistant Wei and the others had already returned to China earlier, only Si Da and his little girl were left, and he had no intention of doing so this time. Using a private jet, he still takes his little girl on an ordinary flight.

Alan and Bell worked hard to help Roy carry all their luggage into the car. In fact, most of the luggage was a gift from Shi Luoxi to Tian Jingxuan and the others.

Si Jingchen said bluntly again: "Take us to the airport."

As a result, the two good brothers became his Si Jingchen drivers, and he was really nice, sitting in the back with his little daughter-in-law.
Alan's driving skills are good, and the car drove steadily to the airport after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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