Chapter 141
After the two friendly little hands shook hands, the head teacher said: "In the new semester, everyone is one year older. The second year of high school is a very good grade. It is not as afraid of being unfamiliar with everything as it was in the first year of high school, nor is it the same as in the third year of high school That kind of sense of urgency, so the second year of high school is the grade that everyone can get along with peacefully..." Sure enough, Granny Chen talked a lot, after talking a lot.

Everyone thought she would start class: "This semester, there are new students joining our class." As soon as she finished speaking, everyone wondered who it could be. After all, their class is really difficult to get into.

Chen Xiao said to the classmates standing outside the class door: "Come in!"

When new students come in, they generally need to introduce themselves.

The introduction of this new classmate was very simple: "Shen Junxuan." After speaking, he looked at the head teacher: "Teacher, where is my position?"

Chen Xiao was a little confused by this classmate's arrogance, and pointed to the last row: "Uh, student Shen Junxuan, there is only one seat in our class at the moment, you can sit there!"

Shen Junxuan didn't wait for the head teacher to finish speaking, and went directly to the seat the teacher said and sat down.

So, unfortunately, who will be his tablemate!

Shen Junxuan sat down domineeringly. In the last row, one was the seat he found and the other was arranged by the teacher. They both happened to be in the last row.

After Shen Junxuan sat down, Teacher Chen Xiao started her wonderful class.

The teacher on the podium spoke very vividly, but what about the students off the stage!
Regarding what the new classmate said and introduced just now, Shi Luoxi really didn't notice that she was talking to the classmate An Manman she just met just now!

Now the new classmate became her deskmate, just out of politeness, she felt that she should greet the new classmate and deskmate.

Her small eyes turned away from An Manman, and turned to her new deskmate: "Hi, classmate... classmate..." Before she finished speaking, Shi Luoxi didn't want to say anything.

Shen Junxuan just felt that the voice was a bit familiar, and looked up, but he didn't expect it either!
"Why are you?" The two asked in unison.

Shi Luoxi spoke again: "Didn't you go to school in England? Why did you run back to China?"

After Shen Junxuan knew that Shi Luoxi was his classmate and tablemate, he thought it was quite interesting, how small is this world!How can two people continue to meet each other.

"Same question, shouldn't you also be in England? Why did you return to China?" Shen Junxuan returned with a faint smile.

Shi Luoxi didn't want to talk nonsense with him, but she would never forget the scene where she just accidentally stepped on his shoe and he asked her to wipe it clean for him.

Raise your head and listen to the teacher carefully.

Seeing and ignoring himself, Shen Junxuan was very upset: "Hey, your name."

Shi Luoxi still ignored him.

Shen Junxuan spoke again: "It is said that this class generally does not change positions. If not expected, the two of us will most likely be at the same table in the next high school career."

Shi Luoxi finally asked after he said a lot, "And then?"

Shen Junxuan's tone was light: "Do you hope that in the next two years, your deskmate will call you hello?"

Shi Luoxi directly took out her homework and pointed to it. She didn't even want to talk to classmate Shen Junxuan now.

Shen Junxuan looked at it, and read out: "Shi Luoxi."

Of course, her two voices were a little loud, and it was not difficult for the head teacher to hear it: "Okay, let's ask student Shen Junxuan to solve this problem for us."

(End of this chapter)

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