good sunset view

Chapter 142 From the same teacher

Chapter 142 From the same teacher
I was noticed by the head teacher as soon as I transferred to another school, which is very good.

Although Shen Junxuan didn't attend the class, he was really not that kind of timid person. He went directly to the podium, picked up a pen and started solving problems.

You must know that the questions given by Teacher Chen Xiao are all extremely difficult. Although they are in Class A, they may not be able to solve them.

It didn't take long for Shen Junxuan to solve this problem. The speed not only stunned the students, but also the teacher himself. This was the first time that a student could solve her problem so quickly.

Can't help asking: "Student Shen Junxuan, how did you come up with this way of solving the problem?"

Shen Junxuan looked at Shi Luoxi, and suddenly smiled playfully: "The teacher taught it before. If you don't believe Teacher Chen, you can ask classmate Shi Luoxi. We were classmates before." This sentence is a bit informative.

In fact, being the head teacher of the Spanish International School is a very sad thing, because not all the materials of the students in the class can be obtained by her.Just like classmate Shi Luoxi and this classmate Shen Junxuan, Teacher Chen Xiao didn't get any background introduction about them at all.

It's not easy to verify Shen Junxuan's statement: "Student Shi Luoxi, please tell everyone the way of solving this problem."

Shi Luoxi looked at Shen Junxuan's problem-solving ideas, and found that they were inexplicably familiar, as if they were taught to her by her masked brother.

She stood up and began to speak out the problem-solving ideas that the masked brother taught her. Shen Junxuan, who originally wanted to wait and see when Luo Xi made a fool of himself, was also surprised by her answer, because his problem-solving ideas were indeed like this.

The reason why it was emphasized that the two of them were taught by the same teacher was because the idea of ​​solving the problem was not taught to him by any teacher at all. He just learned it from his cousin's notes. name.

Chen Xiao listened to Shi Luoxi's idea of ​​solving the problem, and then looked at the problem-solving steps written by student Shen Junxuan: "It's really the same. It seems that the two previous teachers are very good."

Shen Junxuan didn't make Shi Luoxi look bad, and he wasn't annoyed at all, but now he's curious how she came up with this way of thinking about solving problems.

Shen Junxuan who sat down immediately asked, "Hey, how did you come up with this way of thinking about solving problems?"

Shi Luoxi was not happy: "I didn't mind you calling me that before you asked me my name, but now that you know my name, do you think you can still call me that? Haven't you learned to be polite?"

Then he continued: "Secondly, wasn't it taught by the teacher you mentioned? Of course mine was also taught by the teacher!" Anyway, her brother can be regarded as half of her teacher.

Shen Junxuan didn't expect that he could still speak well, which was very different from the character he met in England: "Shi Luoxi, do you have schizophrenia? Why is it different from before?"

For such a provocation, our classmate Luo Xi couldn't help but ask: "Do you know what split personality is?" After asking, he looked at Shen Junxuan, and then said: "I don't know! Then don't use it blindly, so as not to be embarrassed by the wrong use. , it is impossible for a person to have only one personality.”

After Shi Luoxi finished speaking, she ignored her deskmate, and it happened that get out of class was over at this time.

Shi Luoxi is now only focused on talking to her new classmates!

"Manman, you said you transferred last semester?" Shi Luoxi asked.

Amman nodded: "Well, although Spanish high school is not easy to get in, I did transfer here last semester, oh, by the way, the classmate who deliberately mispronounced your name just now transferred to us at the same time as me. This class."

(End of this chapter)

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