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Chapter 143 My Masked Brother

Chapter 143 My Masked Brother
Did you mispronounce her name just now?

Isn't that the classmate who sat in her previous seat?
Shi Luoxi pointed: "Her?"

An Manman nodded, and introduced to Shi Luoxi: "Well, her name is Yu Xin'er, she seems to have a very strong background, and she often shows off her family background."

Shi Luoxi really didn't expect that everyone at school would actually look at the background, and An Manman also introduced her to the two main followers around Yu Xiner, Shi Luoxi nodded, anyway, they didn't have much to do with her.

The first day of a new term always goes by so fast, school is over.

Shi Luoxi and An Manman walked out of the campus together: "Luo Xi, did you come to school by yourself?"

Shi Luoxi nodded: "My house is close."

Amman said happily: "Me too, I think it's good to walk to school, it's much better than being sent by family members."

Shi Luoxi also nodded her head in agreement. When they lived in Jingxi Pavilion, what she disliked the most was having to be picked up by a driver to and from school.

Amman continued: "Since we are all walking home and it's still early, why don't we go to the bookstore in front of us, Luo Xi, what do you think?"

For An Manman's proposal, Shi Luoxi thinks it's not bad. Anyway, my brother is very busy recently, and he can't get off work yet.

In order to prevent her brother from worrying about herself, she still sent a message to her brother to briefly talk about it.

When I received the message from my daughter-in-law, our boss was in a meeting, and the boss who didn't allow employees to look at their mobile phones to answer calls during the meeting committed a foul first.

The content of the message is: brother, I'm out of school, but I want to go to the bookstore in front of the school, and I probably will go back later.

After reading the content, the corner of Si Jingchen's mouth twitched unconsciously, and he replied: Well, go home early.

After getting permission, Shi Luoxi happily went to that bookstore with An Manman. The bookstore is very large and has all kinds of books.

Although this bookstore can't compare with the library that Sister Xuan gave her, it is still very attractive to Shi Luoxi.

After An Manman went in, she went straight to the manga area, searching and searching, she saw a particularly conspicuous manga in the new book, picked it up, and happily wanted to share it with Shi Luoxi: "Luo Xi, look Comics?"

Shi Luoxi shook her head, she didn't care much, but she drew.

Amman likes this comic book very much, so she would like to strongly recommend it to Shi Luoxi: "Luo Xi, this comic book is super good. Although I have read the electronic version, I just don't find it enjoyable, so I come here every day Let the bookstore see when it will be published and on sale, I didn't expect that I really waited for it, I love it so much." After speaking, he kissed her.

Hearing what An Manman said, Shi Luoxi was also attracted: "Really? Show me."

Amman handed the comic book in her hand to Shi Luoxi. The large characters on the cover page stood out "My Masked Brother". Shi Luoxi couldn't believe it. She didn't think it was such a coincidence, it should just have the same name.

But she took a closer look, didn't she also draw the cover herself!It's just been processed a little bit, and then look at the author's name, aha, is it also called Xiyang?

As the author of this comic book, she didn't know that her comic had already been published, which is embarrassing to say the least!Who is to blame, his brother is so kind, he never let her worry too much, and always helped her handle everything well.

Amman looked at Shi Luoxi who was in a daze, thinking that she was also attracted by this comic: "Well, this comic is great!"

(End of this chapter)

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