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Chapter 146 The Happy Little Girl

Chapter 146 The Happy Little Girl

Looking at the little girl who entered the door, looking very happy, the corner of Si Jingchen's mouth twitched, and asked, "What happy things happened to Xi'er today?"

Shi Luoxi ran to her masked brother and jumped on him: "Brother, did you know that Xi'er made a new friend today! Her name is Anmanman, she is very cute."

For the little daughter-in-law who was so excited to share happy things with herself, and even took the initiative to hug him, Si Da was very happy.

Picking up his little girl: "Isn't Xi'er afraid that my brother will be jealous?"

Regarding her brother's reaction, what else could Shi Luoxi say: "Jealous? Why are you jealous?" She really didn't understand why her brother said he was jealous.

Si Jingchen: "As long as Xi'er is happy, are you hungry?"

Shi Luoxi nodded, she was indeed a little hungry, so Si Jingchen went directly to the restaurant with his little girl in his arms.

Only then did Shi Luoxi realize that she was too excited just now, so she pounced on her brother.

"Hey, brother, I was so happy just now, so, that's why this, this..." Shi Luoxi stammered, trying to explain something.

Si Jingchen didn't intend to put her little girl down at all, so he hugged his little daughter-in-law to eat together, he thought it was not bad: "What do you want to eat?"

Shi Luoxi with red ears: "Uh, me, brother, can I let Xi'er sit by myself?"

What always responded to her was that warm voice: "Hey, that's it, eat well." It's just that kind of domineering tone, the kind that cannot be resisted.

During this meal, Luo Xi went from being uncomfortable at the beginning to being overwhelmed later.

After eating and resting for a while, Shi Luoxi started to do her homework, and Si Jingchen also needed to deal with documents, so the study looked very harmonious.

There wasn't a lot of homework on the first day of school, and Shi Luoxi didn't take much time to finish the homework.After finishing her homework, she raised her head and stared at her masked brother. That nympho expression was so cute.

Si Jingchen had long felt a pair of small eyes looking at him, and he also looked at the little girl who was watching him drool openly from time to time.

After he finished processing the documents, he went to his little girl: "Does it look good?" Susu's voice rang in Shi Luoxi's ear again.

Shi Luoxi nodded: "It's pretty."

Si Jingchen likes the way his little girl treats her like a nymphomaniac: "Well, that brother has shown you enough."

Only then did Shi Luoxi realize that her brother was standing beside her, and she was so embarrassed: "Ahaha, no need, no need, hey, it seems to be getting late, um, yes, I'm so sleepy, good night brother." Sneaked out of the study.

Si Jingchen smiled.

He sat down again and picked up the phone: "Xi'er said that she made a new friend, called Amman, check."

Assistant Wei on the other end of the phone received the message: "Okay, reply to the young master within half an hour." For them, it wouldn't take long to check the background of an ordinary person.

Wei Feng's work efficiency is really very high, less than half an hour: An Manman, Mrs. An's daughter who has never been married. Amman's mother handed over Amman to Mr. An before her death.It was only then that Mr. An knew that the person he loved all his life had given birth to a baby for him. Unfortunately, An Manman's mother was already seriously ill at that time.

Hearing that Boss An has a good reputation in the industry, and that his character is also of a good character, Si Jingchen asked, "Why has Boss An never been married?" Isn't there someone you love deeply?
(End of this chapter)

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