Chapter 147
Wei Feng immediately returned: "It is said that because An Manman's mother was born in a poor family, Mr. An's parents felt that the family was not right, so they insisted on breaking up the two lovers."

Si Jingchen is interested in getting to know this Mr. An, a person who can only love one woman in his life is definitely worthy of admiration: "Did he not resist?"

Wei Feng: "Young master, I really don't need to investigate to know what you asked. At that time, Mr. An's incident caused a sensation in Beicheng. Mr. An directly angered the two old people to the hospital because of his resistance. Amman's mother was also like that. At that time, she left Mr. An. It is said that she left a letter for Mr. An at that time."

Wei Feng simulated affectionately: If the love and happiness of the two of us are to hurt two people who are very important to you, then such a marriage will never be happy... I'm leaving, don't look for me, I wish you Let us all be happy! "

A cold person like Si Jingchen was actually moved by this kind of love: "Later, Boss An didn't get married for a long time, did the two old people not let go?"

Wei Feng said regretfully: "The two old people did agree to Mr. An and Amman's mother to be together later, but Mr. An refused. It is said that Mr. An felt that Mrs. Anman's mother should have found her happiness long ago. He shouldn't have disturbed her happy life; but as everyone knows, Amman's mother is not doing well. She didn't remarry, and she was pregnant before marriage. She was kicked out of the family and severed her relationship. She raised Amman alone Growing up... just like this, the two of them missed it."

It's a regrettable love, love each other but can't be together, mandarin ducks are miserable!
Si Jingchen didn't forget what he mainly wanted to know: "How is this Amman's character, to be Xi'er's friend?"

Wei Feng began to introduce Amman's information: "Amanman grew up with her mother, and some of her experiences are quite similar to Miss's, just like they were often bullied at school; but Ammanman is very lively. It goes without saying that she is cheerful and good-natured. After she was taken back to An's house, Mr. An's parents doted on her very much, not to mention Mr. An, this was his only child, and it was born for him by his beloved. It can be said that Mr. An It’s the kind that he puts in his hands for fear of being spoiled, and holds it in his mouth for fear of melting, but even so she is not spoiled, very low-key, and likes to walk to school..." Finally, after Wei Feng's identification, this person is suitable for Miss He make friends.

Si Jingchen: It's no wonder that Xiao Nizi made friends with her. The two of them did have similar experiences, but what happened to others has nothing to do with him, as long as he doesn't hurt his little wife.

When Luo Xi didn't know anything, it was actually very sad. To make a friend, she needed to go through his old background.

If Amman's comprehensive conditions are not good, Si Da will definitely make this person not appear in front of his little girl the next day.

What Shi Luoxi is looking forward to most now is going to school, because she can meet her good friends when she goes to school. When Shi Luoxi had a good friend for the first time, she continued to be happy about this for a long time.

Sitting in the back row this time, she took the initiative to invite Amman: "Slow down, do you want to go to the bookstore again after school?"

Amman shook her head, now the bookstore is no longer attractive to her, she used to go there just to buy Xiyang's manga, now that the man from Xiyang is by her side, what else is she going to do?
"But Luo Xi, my father said that there is a new manga library opened across from the school. Can you accompany me there?" An Manman is just like her name. She likes comics. Of course, what she doesn't know is that the manga library is His father specially opened it for her.

(End of this chapter)

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