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Chapter 148 Incomplete Manga

Chapter 148 Incomplete Manga
Manga library?Shi Luoxi was quite interested. As a person who likes to draw comics, it seems that he hasn't really understood it: "Okay."

So the two little friends made an agreement so happily, but they didn't know that the conversation between the two was heard by Luo Xi's classmate at the same table without saying a word.

After school, the two walked out of the school very excitedly, and they didn't forget to buy some small milk tea and snacks, because Anmanman's father specifically told his daughter that when going to the manga studio, remember to bring some food and drink to make it more comfortable.In fact, his father was afraid that his baby would be hungry.

The manga hall is very big, and An Manman took out a card that her father gave her. Although she didn't know what it was, her father said that she needed to take out this card when entering the manga hall for the first time.

The person in charge of the manga library saw the card that Anmanman took out: "This way please."

Then take them into the most essential part of the manga hall.

Ammanman looked at this manga library, and he said it was cool. There were really all kinds of manga in it: "Xixi, which kind do you like, I will recommend it to you." Ammanman, who is a manga lover, has a lot of them in his heart. Manga Drops!

Which genre do you like, Shi Luoxi seems to be unable to say specifically: "Let me take a look, I haven't had much exposure to comics." Except for the ones I drew.

Uh, Amman almost forgot, the man next to her is a cartoonist!
"Yeah, look around, I'll take a look first, it's not bad." Overall, Anmanman is very satisfied with this manga library.

Shi Luoxi looked at these comics in the manga library, there were many, all kinds, of every type.

It is still a bit difficult to find one that she likes among the many comics. Shi Luoxi searched for a long time, but she couldn't find it, so she had to go to another area to have a look.

This area seems to be full of collector's editions. Shi Luoxi searched carefully. It wasn't her picking, but the things she had confirmed always stayed in her mind. Fortunately, she found them in this manga library.

The manga I saw at my brother's house in England, after reading the one at my brother's house before, her intuition told her that even though it was the first volume, it was not complete and still lacked a lot.

She picked up the book in the manga library. It was very thick, but it was also only the first volume. Compared with the book at her brother's house, this book was more complete. When Luoxi opened it, the front one was the same as the one at her brother's house. Some brothers didn't have that book at home, so she directly turned to the part she hadn't finished reading.

When she was very absorbed in reading: "You also like to read this kind of comics?" came another familiar voice.

When Luoxi walked out of the book, she looked up at the person standing next to her, and she didn't know how long he had been standing beside her like this.

Before Luo Xi could speak, the man continued: "I had a younger sister who seemed to like this book very much. There are still many comics of this type in my cousin's old house."

But he doesn't quite remember what that sister looked like, it seemed that when he was very young, he didn't know that sister he hadn't seen since that year, and she wasn't actually his sister, but he was more She is older.

Shi Luoxi inexplicably wanted to know the final ending of this manga: "Well, Shen Junxuan, do you know the content of the second volume of this manga?" Looking at the book in her hand, it was only the first volume.

Shen Junxuan nodded: "What a coincidence, I have read all those comics." He used to like to go to his cousin's house, and every time he went, he would definitely read those comics, even though they were all children's editions.

(End of this chapter)

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