good sunset view

Chapter 149 Hidden Cartoonist

Chapter 149 Hidden Cartoonist

Hearing what he said, Shi Luoxi was so excited, she had already forgotten that the person standing in front of her was her annoying deskmate.

"Then can you tell me the ending?" Shi Luoxi tried to ask, for some reason, she just wanted to know the ending, and she wanted to confirm whether the ending was the same as the ones that popped up in her mind.

Will Shen Junxuan agree to such a request?

"Hey, Shi Luoxi, did you forget something?" Shen Junxuan asked.

Shi Luoxi shook her head, what did she forget?She really doesn't know.

Shen Junxuan said: "Don't you hate my deskmate? If that's the case, then why should I say it? Besides, this is a manga, you treat it as a novel?"

Shi Luoxi just wanted to know the ending, so she didn't consider that the person in front of her was a nuisance: "Don't talk about falling down." Hmph!My sister is very arrogant.

She went to find her little sister, maybe her little sister knew about it!
At this time, An Manman was looking at the comic that Shi Luoxi just published, and he was very excited: "Xixi, when do you think you can give some benefits to our fans?"

Shi Luoxi smiled: "Probably not in the near future, after all, this manga was not planned to be released in the first place, I was really just drawing it for fun!"

As the eavesdropper, Shen Junxuan once again overheard the conversation between the two. He looked at the comic in An Manman's hand, and couldn't help but doubt what he had just heard.

If he heard correctly just now, the manga that has become very popular recently, the manga that caters to both men and women, is the work of his deskmate?It doesn't look like it!
Amman happily talked to her idol about the benefits that her idol brought her: "Xixi, how about I create an official fan Weibo for you, what do you think? Last time I posted the collector's edition you gave me. At that time, everyone kept asking you when Xi Yang Daddy would be able to pamper them."

Shi Luoxi doesn't play Weibo very much, probably because her masked brother got it wrong, and her masked brother doesn't play with those things either: "Um, you can figure it out, but just tell me when you need it."

Amman happily patted the table: "Oh, you just need to come to some small works regularly as a benefit to our fans."

Shi Luoxi nodded, indicating that it was okay.

But this time Shen Junxuan really listened to it completely: "Oh, I still can't tell, you are actually a hidden cartoonist." He muttered to himself.

The manga library made the two of them forget themselves, so much so that they forgot the time, if it wasn't for Luo Xi's classmate's masked brother: "Come down, brother is in the manga library."

It was only then that Luoxi realized that it was getting dark, so it's no wonder my brother came: "Um, it's getting dark, let's go home!"

An Manman reluctantly put down the manga in her hand, and walked out of the manga studio with Shi Luoxi. When Shi Luoxi walked out of the manga studio, she saw her masked brother.

Shi Luoxi ran over excitedly: "Brother."

Si Jingchen touched her little head: "Have you forgotten the time?"

Shi Luoxi nodded, really forgot the time.

An Manman followed Shi Luoxi, ready to say goodbye to her: "Xixi, goodbye, I'm going home."

Shi Luoxi took Anmanman's little hand and walked in front of the masked brother: "Brother, I told you this, my good friend Ammanman."

Si Jingchen: "Yes."

Shi Luoxi introduced An Manman again: "Manman is my brother."

It was only then that An Manman saw Luo Xi's classmate's brother clearly, and was a little surprised, the one wearing a mask, pay attention to the one wearing a mask.

(End of this chapter)

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