good sunset view

Chapter 163 Yu Xiner's Apology

Chapter 163 Yu Xiner's Apology
The principal smiled: "You are right, but not all of it."

Classmates, you look at me, I look at yours, and you don't know what the principal is going to say next.

The principal went on to say: "There was indeed a theft case that happened in our class A yesterday."

As soon as the principal finished speaking, the class boiled up. Didn't everyone mean by the principal's words that it was an indirect explanation that classmate Shi had indeed stolen classmate Yu's watch.

Seeing that the students were discussing enthusiastically, the principal said, "Everyone be quiet, but it was an oolong incident. There was no theft, and no one dropped anything."

A classmate said in disbelief: "But, didn't Yu Xiner say that she lost her watch? How can it be said that no one has lost anything?"

The principal was very serious: "Okay, please, Yu Xiner, please stand up and explain to everyone?"

Yu Xiner kept her head down, pretending she didn't hear it.

Seeing that she didn't respond, the principal called out again: "Student Yu Xiner, please go to the podium and tell the students."

The headmaster's tone became more serious this time, and he remembered what her father said, telling her not to anger the headmaster right now.

Yu Xiner reluctantly walked up to the podium: "My watch is not lost, but I accidentally misplaced it, so I couldn't find it for a while."

After listening to what Yu Xiner said, the students all felt a little unbelievable, did they put their own things in the wrong place?However, compared to Shi Luoxi, the students liked Yu Xiner more, so they didn't have too many doubts.

After Yu Xiner finished speaking, she was ready to return to her seat.

The principal stopped her again: "Student Yu Xiner, the principal knows that you are a good student, a good boy, and you can correct your mistakes. Next, you should know what to do, right?"

Yu Xiner bit her lip, but did not speak.

After waiting for a while, the principal spoke again: "Student Yu Xiner, it is a good boy to correct his mistakes, but if he knows his mistakes but is unwilling to correct them, this is a problem of continuity. Your next generation..."

The principal's words made the students laugh uncontrollably: It turns out that this kind of thing is hereditary, and it seems that they have learned a lot.

Yu Xiner reluctantly said again: "I'm sorry, I wronged classmate Shi Luoxi, and my watch is indeed not lost."

Yu Xiner's words stunned the students again. One student said, "Then why is Shi Luoxi's watch the same as yours? Didn't you say that that watch is unique?"

An Manman, who has been talking for a long time, couldn't help but say in a cold voice: "Oh, if you want to blame, you can blame some people for their vanity! I bought a high-quality imitation, and I was jealous of others' genuine ones, so Le thought about getting a civet cat. Change the prince! Oh, no, it should be a thief shouting "Stop the thief." An Manman's voice was not too loud, just enough that the whole class could hear it.

Hearing Ammanman's words, everyone couldn't believe it.

Yu Xin'er was already so angry that her face turned green, and she asked the principal angrily, "Is the principal okay with this?"

The headmaster seemed to see a good boy who can recognize his mistakes and correct them, but he said, "Ask Shi Luoxi if he forgives you."

Luo Xi stood up when she was pointed.

The principal asked, "Student Shi Luoxi, do you accept Yu Xiner's apology?"

Shi Luoxi looked at it: I believe that Yu Xiner didn't do it on purpose, maybe she really saw that someone else had a piece that was the same as her own, and she couldn't find her when she was in a hurry, so she mistakenly thought that she had lost it. , This should be the case for anyone! "

(End of this chapter)

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