good sunset view

Chapter 164 Rumors 4

Chapter 164 Rumors Spread
Shi Luoxi looked at Yu Xiner again: "That's why I forgive classmate Yu Xiner." I have to say that our classmate Luo Xi is really only too friendly, and this gave her an excuse.

The headmaster nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, let's stop here. I hope this kind of thing won't happen again in the future. Let's go to class!" The headmaster left their class after speaking.

Yu Xiner stepped down from the podium and looked at Shi Luoxi with hatred: Heh, do you think that I will be grateful to you for speaking for me like Shi Luoxi?

Ever since Yu Xiner apologized to Shi Luoxi, she hated Shi Luoxi even more.

Shi Luoxi doesn't care, she's not RMB, so naturally everyone won't like her, as long as she lives well, she's fine, so why bother calling others how they treat you.

This matter was over, and the students also knew that Shi Luoxi was not a thief, and of course none of the students felt that there was anything wrong with Yu Xiner.

Just like the reason Shi Luoxi gave her: people always pay special attention to the things they like, and when they suddenly disappear, they will naturally be very anxious.

Since this incident, it seems that their class has become quieter, seemingly harmonious.

After class, Shi Luoxi: "Manman, are you going to the bathroom?"

Amman nodded: "Well, I'm going too, let's go."

The two little sisters walked out of the classroom and went to the bathroom.

"Hey, look quickly, isn't this the classmate named Shi Luoxi?" On the way to the bathroom, a classmate asked in a low voice.

Another student replied: "Well, it seems to be."

A classmate on the same journey: "Have you heard that this classmate Shi Luoxi seems to have been taken care of by a wealthy businessman?"

Everyone had an expression they already knew: "Yeah, yes, I heard that! He is a rich businessman who is almost 60 or [-] years old."

The classmate said in surprise: "My God, at such an age, can you satisfy her in that respect?"

Hearing these words, Shi Luoxi frowned.

However, wherever they went, everyone seemed to be discussing this matter.

"It looks pretty pure, but I didn't expect it to be so rough." All the way to the bathroom, An Manman and Shi Luoxi heard the discussions of these students clearly.

An Manman wanted to stop those classmates several times, but was stopped by Shi Luoxi and went to the toilet: "Xixi, how can you bear them talking about it? They said things that don't exist at all. Son."

Shi Luoxi was calm: "Why do you care! What they said is not true, the more you try to explain, then they will think those rumors are true, but if you ignore them, the rumors will eventually disappear one day. Attack and break."

Shi Luoxi's mentality is really good, I really don't know how she cultivated such a strong heart.

Amman cast an appreciative look: "As expected of my idol, Shen Zuo is calm, and I admire you."

Shi Luoxi was amused by her: "Okay, Manman, stop teasing me, these are nothing serious."

An Manman nodded, she felt that what Shi Luoxi said was indeed right, why should she care about these trivial matters!Anyway, it's not true, besides, doesn't her Xixi family still have her masked brother!
After going to the toilet, the two little sisters walked into the classroom happily.

It's just that the atmosphere in the classroom seems a little weird, but it's a little indescribable.

When Luo Xi and the others walked up to Yu Xin'er, an unfriendly voice came to their ears: "Hey, isn't this the classmate with a bad taste? Look for the old man, hey!"

(End of this chapter)

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