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Chapter 165 The New Class Teacher

Chapter 165 The New Class Teacher
Yu Xiner continued to sarcastically: "The current classmates are really, if you really lack something, you can ask your classmates! This is betraying yourself, hey! Why do such a thing!"

Although Yu Xiner was very enthusiastic about what she said, Shi Luoxi didn't pay attention to it at all. She returned to her seat and got ready for the next class.

When she put the book on the table, a mobile phone was added to her book, and she heard: "Look." It was Shen Junxuan who said it.

Shi Luoxi picked up her phone and clicked on it. It was the school's forum. There were a few big words on it: A student in class A of the second year of high school betrayed himself to satisfy his vanity... There is also a photo attached below.

Shi Luoxi looked at that photo, which was the photo of the driver picking her up in the third year of junior high school. After seeing it, Shi Luoxi didn't forget to complain: "This can also become news."

Seeing her reaction, Shen Junxuan reminded: "You are the heroine of this matter, and now it has a great influence. I guess it will be difficult for you to go home after school."

When Shen Junxuan reminded her like this, Shi Luoxi only realized it now, as if oh, there will definitely be a lot of people surrounding her later.

When she was thinking about how to go home later, her deskmate said again: "I'll take you back after school later."

What?Shi Luoxi thought she heard it wrong: "Are you taking me back? Did I hear it right? Or are you sick?"

Seeing her reaction, Shen Junxuan really wanted to pry open her head to see what was inside.

"If you don't want to wait to go home later, it's up to you." Shen Junxuan said coolly.

After that, he took his mobile phone and did not know what to do on the mobile phone.

Soon, a classmate exclaimed: "Wow, who is this god! He deleted the news in just a few minutes, isn't that amazing?"

Some students also said: "Maybe it was deleted by the publisher himself."

The classmate retorted: "Impossible. This news is very valuable. Our Spanish language has such a great influence. I can guarantee that if this news is still there, it will definitely hit the headlines within half an hour."

Quite a few classmates agreed, and they thought so too.

Soon Shen Junxuan put away his phone and smiled.

Their class was originally taught by Teacher Chen Xiao, but she was dismissed by the school, and their class did not attend this class for the time being.

Of course Shi Luoxi still prepared the textbooks, because she believed that there would always be a teacher walking in.

Sure enough, when everyone was still surprised that the news was quickly deleted, a teacher walked into their classroom and walked onto the podium.

Cleared his throat: "Students, be quiet."

Only then did the students turn their heads to look at the teacher who appeared out of nowhere, everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

The teacher said: "Because your teacher Chen Xiao left, there will be no math teacher in our class. Unfortunately, I just happened to be hired by Spanish. In other words, I will be everyone's math teacher in the future. , and of course also the head teacher."

As soon as the new teacher finished speaking, everyone immediately boiled over.

The classmates looked at the young teacher on the podium and asked, "Is the teacher just graduated?"

Nods on the podium.

Then another student asked: "Does the teacher understand our Spanish?"

The new teacher nodded again, and then he didn't wait for the students to speak: "It seems that the students have a lot of questions. My name is Han Yu. I just graduated with a Ph.D. and have ten years of work experience. I started working as a teacher when I was 16 years old. It's also my biggest interest..."

After listening to the teacher's introduction, the students were not as noisy as before.

(End of this chapter)

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