good sunset view

Chapter 166 Coordinate Calling

Chapter 166 Coordinate Calling
The teacher's introduction is very nice.
After the introduction, he was very calm, as if he didn't care about the contemptuous eyes of his classmates.

"Okay, let's start class now. Oh, by the way, before I start class, I have to declare that my class style is slightly different from that of other teachers. I hope that students can adapt as soon as possible. Of course, you don't want me to adapt to it." You guys, I can tell you very clearly that it is impossible." Well, this Teacher Han is really domineering.

After speaking, he started class directly. His class style was completely different from Teacher Chen Xiao's.

At the beginning, he said: "Since this course is mathematics, it is unavoidable to do questions. In order to test everyone's level, everyone should do this question first. I hope the answers I see are unusual. I don’t want to see a fixed pattern.” The teacher Han continued.

The students carefully looked at the questions written by the teacher.

It looks simple, but it is actually very simple.

After a few minutes, Teacher Han said again: "Next, the coordinates are called, and the students who are called will write down their solutions."

What?Coordinate roll call?

Teacher Han said again: "Coordinates (8, 3)"

The third student in the eighth row, isn't that student Luo Xi?

Uh, it seems that classmate Luo Xi is out of luck today!Seeing that it was Shi Luoxi, Yu Xiner was not to mention how happy she was, she just wanted to watch her make a fool of herself.

"Ask this student to write down your problem-solving steps." Teacher Han said again.

Shi Luoxi walked up to the podium with a little fear, picked up a pen, and wrote out the steps using the problem-solving ideas that she had just thought of in her mind.

After she finished writing, she looked at the teacher unconsciously with her small eyes, and then quickly returned to her seat.

And this teacher Han is serious. He looked at the student's problem-solving ideas seriously, which is very novel.

Our classmates were waiting to criticize when they came. They thought that Shi Luoxi's approach was almost inseparable, and it was wrong.

Teacher Han then asked, "What's the name of this classmate?"

The enthusiastic classmate replied: "Shi Luoxi, teacher, her name is Shi Luoxi, she is very famous in our school."

The teacher frowned, this student was too enthusiastic!
The teacher said again: "Very good, Shi Luoxi's problem-solving ideas are very novel, and he has his own ideas. This problem is really not difficult. I mainly want to see how the students' thinking patterns are. From this point of view, It's not as bad as I thought..."

For the teacher's praise, Shi Luoxi just smiled. Most of her ideas for solving the problem were taught by her brother.

It seems that this new homeroom teacher has a good impression of Shi Luoxi.

Oops, Si Da, you have to be careful!Maybe you are in crisis again, hey!I'm really nervous for you.

Seeing that Luo Xi was actually appreciated by the new teacher, Yu Xin'er's expression was ugly.

An Manman is still the same: "My idol is great, Xixi, I found that I like you more and more, what do you think is swollen?"

Shi Luoxi has long been used to Anmanman's mischievousness: "You can do it? Who said that I only like Brother Bing?" Then she said in a low voice embarrassedly: "I can solve that problem, it's purely a blind cat Meet a dead mouse."

Amman: Why are you so humble as an idol, did your brother make the mask?

Of course, the arrival of the new teacher did not stop Shi Luoxi from being a news heroine. After class, everyone was still discussing enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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