good sunset view

Chapter 181 Please leave

Chapter 181 Please leave
The manager frowned, this damn waiter, is she trying to kill them?
"Are you questioning my judgment? You leave the mall immediately, and don't step into this mall again." After the store manager finished speaking, he gestured to the security guards who came with them.

Baoquan immediately understood, stepped forward and took the waiter out.

When Yu Xiner saw this, she didn't understand: "Hey, don't you know how corrupt this person is in front of you? Are you sure you got the right person?"

The implication of Yu Xiner's words was: Shouldn't you be on my side?

The person in charge and the senior management of this mall seemed to have noticed her just now.

The manager of this store immediately said: "Miss, our store will not do business with you in the future. Of course, I am afraid that other stores will not."

Yu Xiner's face turned pale: "You, what did you say?"

The manager looked at Yu Xiner disdainfully: "Oh, does this lady not understand human speech? I'm saying, please get out of here."

The customers on the side also couldn't understand, what kind of operation is this?They really don't understand such a plot, didn't they tell the gold digger?

An Manman echoed the manager's words: "Yu Xiner is chasing you away! Why are you so slow in reacting? If this were me, I would definitely leave immediately, why are you still looking for trouble here?" Ammanman was very kind Reminding her!
Yu Xiner's face turned pale again, she looked at her mother: "Mom, look, look at them, look at them, mother, your daughter is being bullied."

Yu Xin'er's mother didn't reply to Yu Xin'er's words at all, Yu Xiner saw that her mother didn't reply to her for a long time, she was caught off guard.

Shouted loudly: "Mom? Mom, don't be in a daze, Xin'er has been bullied."

Only then did Yu Xiner's mother come back to her senses: "Oh, what did you say, Xiner?"

Yu Xiner looked at her mother angrily, and didn't mean to repeat what she just said.

The manager was very kind and said for her: "Madam, please take your daughter out of here. She has seriously affected the environment in the store and caused us a huge loss. That's it, if you leave unconsciously , then we will be compensated for our business losses..."

Yu Xiner opened her mouth, she never thought that one day she would be treated like this, she looked at Shi Luoxi angrily, and threatened: "Shi Luoxi, you are really good, give me wait."

After speaking, he rushed out angrily, still muttering: "Hehe, Shi Luoxi, I remember you, just wait for me."

An Manman watched the angry Yu Xin'er leave, and made a grimace: "Hmph! Telling you to look down on others and confounding black and white, hateful."

They were the only ones left, and the person in charge of the mall owner immediately flattered him: "Miss Shi, is there anything we can do to help, it is our luck to serve you..." The person in charge said a lot Heap, Shi Luoxi stroked her forehead, it was the first time she had seen someone who talked so much.

She smiled awkwardly and said, "Hehe, no, thank you, but can you wrap this skirt for us?"

The manager wrapped up the skirt by himself and handed it to Shi Luoxi.

Shi Luoxi took out the card and asked, "Where should I pay?"

The manager immediately said: "No, no, this is compensation to Miss Shi for the mental damage just now."

Regarding the manager's statement, Shi Luoxi really wanted to say, I don't have any mental loss!

(End of this chapter)

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