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Chapter 182 Become Strong

Chapter 182 Become Strong

Shi Luoxi spoke again and said, "No, the money must be paid, otherwise we won't want it." As she said that, she was about to leave.

The manager shouted anxiously: "Don't, this way please."

Shi Luoxi followed, and the manager acted as the cashier again.

Anyway, it was by credit card, Shi Luoxi didn't know exactly how much she paid.

Just now, the manager just paid a few hundred yuan deliberately, which is far from the regular price of that dress.

After paying, Luoxi and Anmanman left the store escorted by the person in charge and the manager.

She had been standing not far away looking at Tian Jingxuan, and followed her out.

While holding the doll, Luo Xi took out the phone, and the phone was quickly picked up: "Sister Xuan, where are you?" Her tone was very relaxed.

Tian Jingxuan immediately returned: "Hey, I, I'm just outside the store, you can see it when you turn around."

Shi Luoxi immediately turned around, and sure enough, a hand was greeting her, and she walked over quickly.

Tian Jingxuan spoke first: "Xixi, shall we have something to drink first?"

Shi Luoxi looked at Amman Man, who nodded.

Tian Jingxuan took them to a coffee shop she liked very much, and still ordered juice for their two little ones.

After sitting down for a long time, Tian Jingxuan said: "Xixi, Sister Xuan saw the whole thing just now, but I didn't show up. Do you blame Sister Xuan on me?"

Shi Luoxi shook her head without hesitation: "No! Why are you blaming Sister Xuan?" Shi Luoxi asked incomprehension.

Tian Jingxuan's eyes were moist, she really despised herself, her sister trusted her so much, yet she still let her be bullied.

But seeing that she is really calm and calm in the face of things, this is what she wants to see.

For her younger sister, Tian Jingxuan didn't want to deceive her or hide anything from her.

"Xixi, sister has something to say." Tian Jingxuan looked at Shi Luoxi very seriously.

When Shi Luoxi saw her sister Xuan being so serious, she also became nervous.

She nodded.

Tian Jingxuan said: "Actually, my sister was standing in the crowd just now, watching you all the time."

When An Manman heard this, she was not calm. After all, in her impression, the big sister in front of her was a nice person, not the kind of person who would shrink back when encountering problems.

Shi Luoxi was very calm.

Tian Jingxuan continued: "But my sister has a reason, maybe you think it's fake! But, Xixi, I know that brother Chen treats you very well, so good that he has made up his mind to take care of you for the rest of his life. But you also Knowing that whether it is his family or our other families, there are many places in our group of children that we cannot choose."

"You may not understand what I am going to say next, but I will still say it. If Chen wants to be with you, he must pay a lot. Among his sacrifices, if you are not strong enough, the most basic You can't protect yourself well, in other words, no matter how strong Chen is, there will be moments when he can't fully protect you." After saying these words, Tian Jingxuan looked at Shi Luoxi.

She breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't as bad as she imagined, and this girl's ability to bear it was far stronger than they thought.

Tian Jingxuan finally said: "My sister is very happy about today's incident, because our family Xixi knows how to protect herself, remember that at any time, no one can hurt you."

Shi Luoxi nodded vigorously: "Thank you, thank you sister Xuan, I know that my brother is very powerful, so Xixi has to become strong."

(End of this chapter)

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