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Chapter 183 That Girl Looks Like Someone

Chapter 183 That Girl Looks Like Someone
Listening to Shi Luoxi's words, Tian Jingxuan said incoherently: "Xixi, you, don't you blame sister?"

Shi Luoxi laughed, and she shook her head: "Why are you blaming Sister Xuan? Sister Xuan is very good at doing this! Just like today's incident, if Sister Xuan appears, Xixi will definitely have dependent thoughts. In this way, Xixi will only get weaker and weaker, so Xixi is very grateful to Sister Xuan, I know that you are all for my own good."

Tian Jingxuan was so moved that she almost burst into tears.

Amman has been listening to their conversation, and she has deep feelings, which also reminds her of herself. Since her mother left, she has been pampered by her father, grandparents and others.

But she knew that she had to become stronger, after all, her father, grandma and grandma would leave her like her mother one day.

It is a very happy thing to speak up and be understood.

Here they are happy and happy, but some people are not like that.

The mother and daughter who were kicked out of the store, Yu Xin'er has been slandering Shi Luoxi since she came out, not caring about her mother's current state at all.

For Yu Xiner, if she wanted to get rid of this anger, she had to buy, buy, buy: "Mom, let's go to that store." She pointed to a bag store.

However, her mother still didn't reply to her, and only then did she notice that her mother seemed to be in a fugue again.

Puzzled and asked: "Mom, what's wrong with you? How come Luo Xi has become weird since seeing that time just now?"

Yu Xin'er's mother was still immersed in her own thoughts. The girl just now had been flashing in her mind.

Her first reaction was really that the girl just now was familiar, she felt like someone, she suddenly muttered: "Qi Jingyuan? That's right, she looks like Qi Jingyuan, but it's impossible, impossible, how is it possible Woolen cloth!"

Yu Xiner on the side didn't understand her mother very much, and she didn't know why her mother had such a reaction, and she seemed to have heard what her mother was saying just now.

"Mom, what did you say? What Yuan?" Yu Xiner asked uncertainly.

This time Yu Xin'er's mother didn't react until she heard the word Yuan, she asked, "Xin'er, do you think that girl just now looks like someone?"

Yu Xin'er didn't know which girl her mother was talking about: "Which girl is Mom talking about?"

Yu Xiner's mother explained: "It's the one with the doll."

Yu Xiner frowned, and asked, "Shi Luoxi?"

Her mother immediately affirmed: "Yes, that girl, do you think she looks like someone?"

Without even thinking about it, Yu Xiner asked, "Who do you look like?"

Her mother slowly uttered a few words: "Qi Jingyuan."

Yu Xiner repeated: "Qi Jingyuan?" She quickly realized: "Isn't that your aunt?"

Yu Xin'er's mother: "That's right, that girl just now is really too much like Qi Jingyuan, she was carved out of the same mold."

Seeing her mother's reaction, Yu Xiner said, "Mom thinks she will be aunt's daughter?"

Yu Xin'er's mother immediately shook her head: "No, it's impossible, Qi Jingyuan only has one child in her life, and she's gone long ago, so how could this be her child!" After all, she knows Qi Jing's child better than anyone else. Why is Yuan's daughter not here?

Yu Xiner thought for a while, it seemed that yes, uncle and aunt did not have children in her impression, besides, Luo Xi was like that, how could it be their family's noble blood, every time she saw Seeing her poor look made her sick.

(End of this chapter)

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