good sunset view

Chapter 184 Half Instructor, Half Soldier

Chapter 184 Half Instructor, Half Soldier

After Yu Xin'er denied it, she immediately said to her mother: "Mom is a poor girl like Luo Xi, how could she be a child of our Yu family, she doesn't have that life yet!"

Yu Xiner's mother nodded in agreement. After all, there are many people who look alike in this world. This is just a coincidence. Her daughter also said that the girl's family is very poor.

I didn't care too much after thinking about it. Of course, they went to many stores afterwards, but the results were the same without exception, and no store was willing to sell them anything.

This really pissed off the mother and daughter, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet and leave the mall.

Compared to these two mothers and daughters, although students Luo Xi and the others are shopping, they just like to sit and chat about various topics. Tian Jingxuan can always stir up many topics, and can successfully trap the two little fans.

This is not: "Xixi, Manman, I can tell you that my sister was lucky enough to be trained by Grandpa Qi in the army! In other words, my sister is actually half of Grandpa Qi's soldier."

Hearing this, Shi Luoxi didn't mention how envious she was, and said a little helplessly: "Uh, I, it seems that I can be considered half of Brother Qi's soldier!"

Hearing Shi Luoxi's far-fetched search, Tian Jingxuan laughed unkindly: "Sister Xixi! Are you sure you are not here to make a joke? Just Qi Zibai? He is not an instructor, I think he is It’s nothing to look for, look, how did he train you at that time?”

An Manman couldn't help laughing, although she didn't know who Luo Xi was referring to as Big Brother Qi, but judging from their reactions, she must love her idol very much!

She has never doubted the charm of idols, because idols are already very good!
Shi Luoxi stuck out her tongue. It was indeed quite difficult for Big Brother Qi to train her back then, but after listening to what Sister Xuan said just now, she understood that Brother Qi probably trained her in the same way as Sister Xuan. Bar!
They all wanted to become stronger and able to protect themselves, at least to ensure that they would not be harmed, and then they would not implicate their brother.

I said classmate Luo Xi!You are wrong on this point, your elder brother is not afraid of you getting hurt, he is afraid that you will not get him hurt.What makes you stronger is just thinking that you are safe all the time and cannot be bullied.

For this recognition, she is very happy, and there are so many people who love her around her.

"By the way, Sister Xuan, did you call those managers just now?" Shi Luoxi thought about the performance of those managers just now.

Tian Jingxuan shrugged her shoulders: "Of course not! I don't have such a great ability to get the head of this shopping mall to come forward." She really didn't deceive Shi Luoxi at all.

Shi Luoxi and An Manman became confused, since it wasn't Sister Xuan, who could it be?

Shi Luoxi wanted to know the answer: "Sister Xuan, who is that?" There were only three of them shopping, and besides themselves, who would know such trivial things that happened in the mall.

Si Da: How can this be a trivial matter?You don't know how scared I was just now, afraid that you, a stupid girl, will be bullied, and afraid that you will feel uncomfortable because your brother is not around...

Let me tell you, Mr. Si, you really think too much. Our classmate Luo Xi really only thinks that this is just a very small matter, the kind that doesn't matter at all.

Tian Jingxuan looked at the silly younger sister and said, "You can think about who knows who we are shopping today, and how powerful that person is."

(End of this chapter)

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