good sunset view

Chapter 200 The Mischievous Secretary

Chapter 200 The Mischievous Secretary
Si Jingchen kissed her: "My Xi'er is so kind."

Shi Luoxi smiled, she really wanted to ask: Is she really alright?

Si Jingchen couldn't wait to tell his parents the news, so he said to the little girl, "Brother, tell Mom and Dad."

He was excited about returning to the home that belonged to him, and even more excited. After so many years, it was time to go back and have a look, and it was time to bid farewell to the past.

The old house's phone rang again. Unlike the last time, the servant received the call first, and the servant quickly informed Si Jingchen's father.

Si Jingchen's father couldn't believe it when he heard that it was his son calling, he answered the phone with uncertainty: "Hello?"

Si Jingchen said, "Xi'er and I will be back next week."

With a simple sentence, Father Si was stunned for about two or three seconds, and then reacted. Of course, he didn't forget to complain: "Why didn't you just call the phone? It made me rush over to answer the phone."

Although he was complaining, it could be heard that his father said that because he was happy.

Si Jingchen responded calmly to his father again: "I learned from my father." Didn't his father use the same method just now?
Sifu was just about to spit out a mouthful of old blood: "You brat, are your wings stiff?"

Si Jingchen hung up without answering.

The mother who rushed over later asked, "Is it Chen'er's call?"

Si Jingchen's father nodded, and said uncertainly: "The brat said they will come back next week?"

Si Jingchen's mother immediately realized: "Are you serious? Chen'er will really come back next week?"

Father Si nodded.

This news came as a surprise to Si Mu.

But then I remembered that my husband was talking about them, so that means my son will take that little girl with me?
No, she can't let that little girl get too close to her son, that little girl is definitely not a good child, otherwise how could she be with her son at such a young age, she has to find a way to let that little girl know that she and her son are together It's impossible for her son, yes, she has to do it.

Oh, auntie, I just want to say: That is your son who abducted him.

Just when she was puzzled, she suddenly remembered that last time Jingyuan's siblings seemed to say that they wanted to bring their daughter to visit their house.

That's right, why didn't she think of it!Now that he can confirm the time when his son will come back, why not let the mother and daughter of the Yu family come that day, just so that the girl can recognize herself.

After figuring out this method, Si Mu quickly took action, saying that Yu Xin'er and her daughter were welcome to visit their home.

Yu Xin'er's mother quickly told Yu Xin'er the good news: "Xin'er, your aunt said that we are welcome to their house, and she also said that Jing Chen will also be home next Monday."

Hearing this news, Yu Xin'er, who was still complaining that she had too few bags, immediately jumped up, and said, "I'll just say it! Brother Chen likes Xin'er very much. You see, Brother Chen will let you go immediately when you get home." Auntie contacted me, mom, do you think Xin'er is the one that Brother Chen values?"

Yu Xin'er's mother said confidently: "Of course, our Xin'er is so beautiful and outstanding, she is more than enough to match Jing Chen."

After Yu Xin'er's mother finished speaking, Yu Xin'er was still a little shy: "What about mom, Xin'er is so nervous, what do you think Brother Chen will invite me to do?"

Yu Xin'er's mother immediately taught: "Xin'er, my mother told you that you must be reserved and not be too proactive. Men are like this. You have to take it step by step so that you can hold him firmly."

(End of this chapter)

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