good sunset view

Chapter 201 My Silly Girl

Chapter 201 My Silly Girl

Yu Xin'er's mother continued as a person who came here: "Mom told you, that's how your dad was taken down by mom back then..."

Yu Xiner obediently listened to her mother's instruction.

The time is not very far from the next week, and it is already Friday, for Yu Xiner and her daughter, there are still many things to prepare.

And for Shi Luoxi, she also needs time to relax. After all, starting from next week, she is likely to get along with her elders again, which is what she is afraid of.

Si Jingchen prepared a lot of things during the weekend, but most of them were daily necessities that he and his daughter-in-law would use.

When tidying things up, Si Jingchen still didn't let Shi Luoxi do anything, he was the one to tidy up everything.

Such a brother is great, Shi Luoxi said: "Brother, you will spoil Xi'er like this, what should I do if Xi'er can't do anything in the future!"

Si Jingchen always said softly: "My baby doesn't need to do these things, you have a brother."

Shi Luoxi shook her head: "No, one day my brother will have his own home and his own bride, and Xi'er will..."

Before she finished speaking, her small mouth was blocked. This time, Si Jingchen didn't just peck like a superficial peck as usual this time, but went deeper and deeper.

I don't know how long it took before he let go of the girl reluctantly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Can't Xi'er feel it?"

Shi Luoxi shook her head, she didn't know what to feel.

Si Jingchen looked at his cute daughter-in-law: "Xi'er will be the one who spends her whole life with her brother."

Shi Luoxi repeated: "Live a lifetime? How is that possible? Brother will have a wife or even a child that belongs to you, and Xi'er may also have a family of her own."

Si Jingchen was defeated by his little girl, and said patiently: "My brother will indeed have a wife and even children in the future."

Hearing this, Shi Luoxi didn't know why, but her heart seemed to hurt very much.

Si Jingchen looked at the uncomfortable little girl, and he continued: "But that person will only be this silly girl in front of me."

Shi Luoxi's eyes widened all of a sudden, what?What did my brother just say.

At the end, Si Jingchen added: "My child's mother must be my silly girl."

After speaking, he hugged his little wife tightly.

Shi Luoxi's heart was pounding, and it took her a while to find her own voice: "Is it me, Xi'er, that silly girl brother is talking about?"

Si Jingchen let her eyes look at his own, and then said seriously: "My wife, my child's mother will only be Xi'er, can't Xi'er feel brother's love?" Somewhat sad.

Shi Luoxi opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she didn't seem to know exactly what to say.

For some reason, Shi Luoxi suddenly said, "But you are Xi'er's brother!"

Si Da really wanted to pry open the head of his little girl to see what was made inside.

But he has always been very patient with his little daughter-in-law: "Has Xi'er ever seen a brother who kisses his sister like this?"

Shi Luoxi shook her head, as if she had never seen it before.

Then Si Jingchen continued: "Has Xi'er ever met a brother who would love a younger sister like his wife?"

Shi Luoxi continued to shake her head.

After asking these questions, Si Jingchen said lightly: "So Xi'er understands now? Brother loves you and wants you to be his wife, and even the mother of his child."

(End of this chapter)

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