good sunset view

Chapter 211 History is always strikingly similar

Chapter 211 History is always strikingly similar

Si Jingchen, who originally planned to ignore it, had no choice but to get up and open the door helplessly.

Opening the door, Xiao Miaomi looked at him pitifully, not to mention how cute he was, if our classmate Luo Xi saw him, he might hug Xiao Miaomi and not let go.

Si Jingchen didn't even bother to pay attention, so he planned to close the door so that he wouldn't let Xiao Miaomi in.

It's just that Xiao Miaomi seemed to have known that the master would do this. At the moment Si Jingchen closed the door, it flew in at an extremely fast speed. After Si Jingchen closed the door, it also found its lovely master's place, obediently Climb into bed to accompany the lovely master.

When Si Jingchen turned around, he found that Xiao Miaomi had already taken his place, and the history was always surprisingly similar, the same scene, the same routine.

Si Jingchen was completely defeated by Gougou again.

This kind of thing happened often 13 years ago, but at that time it was the little girl Ke'er who was clamoring to sleep with him, but now he has to change his ways to let the little daughter-in-law be with him.

However, at this time, this dog who doesn't wink will always come to grab his position. For this reason, he even has the idea of ​​sending the dog away, but it's helpless, but the little girl refuses to live or die.

Because of this, the dog was reluctantly stayed. What he didn't expect was that this stay was the dog's whole life, and it was with its little master from the first time it saw the little master.

Until its little master has left, it still insists on waiting for the day when the little master can return again.

Tonight is a happy night for the dog and Luo Xi's master, how could the dog let it go!

Of course, our Si Da wants to drive him away: "Little Miaomi, go back to your room to sleep, do you believe that I will take you away by force?"

Xiao Miaomi remained motionless by Master Luo Xi's side. Seeing that Xiao Miaomi didn't shake him at all, Si Jingchen became annoyed, and immediately reached out to hug Xiao Miaomi.

Little Miaomi disagreed now, it barked, and Shi Luoxi woke up suddenly, looking at Little Miaomi who was being hugged by her brother, she immediately sat up excitedly.

He said happily: "Little Miaomi, come to my sister soon."

Little Miao Mi easily jumped onto Master Luo Xi's body, but Shi Luo Xi refused to let go while holding it.

Si Jingchen looked at this familiar scene, didn't it happen before?It's exasperating, hum!He wants to sleep.

Si Jingchen watched the little daughter-in-law hugging the dog and refused to let go. He expressed that he didn't like this dog who was competing for favor with him now.

He said, "Xi'er, it's getting late, put him down to sleep!"

Shi Luoxi is not sleepy now: "But Xi'er is not sleepy now! I can play with Xiao Miaomi for a while."

Si Jingchen looked at this annoying dog: "But brother is sleepy." Si Dada still seemed to be acting like a spoiled child.

It was only then that Shi Luoxi came to her senses, that's right, she wasn't sleepy, but her brother was sleepy, so what should I do!

I had no choice but to say to Xiao Miaomi: "Little Miaomi, go back to your own room to sleep first, sister is playing with you tomorrow, okay?"

Xiao Miaomi yelled, expressing her disagreement.

Shi Luoxi looked at her brother with innocent eyes, and finally said in a low voice: "Well, uh, brother, why don't you leave Xiao Miaomi behind!"

Si Jingchen really wants to beat up this dog right now, the degree of similarity is astonishing, hmph!
In the end, our boss reluctantly agreed: "But I can stay, but it can't stay on the bed." Humph!Want to rub the bed, no way.

(End of this chapter)

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