Chapter 212 90.00% Nine
Shi Luoxi had no choice but to nod obediently, but Xiao Miaomi was obedient, and immediately got out of bed by herself, and lay down obediently beside the bed.

Now Si Jingchen is a little satisfied, and can sleep peacefully.

With Xiao Miaomi and his brother's company, Shi Luoxi had a good night's dream.

At dawn, the people on the bed were woken up by barking sounds. When Luoxi sat up, her brother was no longer beside her.

On the other hand, Xiao Miaomi was sitting next to her, but she was well-behaved. Looking at this cute dog, Shi Luoxi's spirit immediately lifted.

After Xiao Miaomi led the way, Shi Luoxi came to the restaurant, as if she was the only one who missed her, and walked towards her brother a little embarrassedly.

When Si Jingchen saw his little daughter-in-law coming, he pulled her up and let her sit next to him. This made our mother Si's teeth itch. When will my son treat him like this!

Shi Luoxi took the initiative to greet them, and Si Mu reluctantly agreed due to the look in her son's eyes.

After sitting down: "New Year is coming, Xi'er will go shopping with mom later." Si Jingchen said.

When Luo Xi was drinking porridge, a mouthful of porridge just reached her throat, and she was choked and coughed for a long time.

Si Jingchen frowned, but still handed water to Shi Luoxi very gently: "Drink some water."

At this moment, Si Mu said: "Does this mean that you don't want to go out with me? Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Her tone was obviously not very good.

Shi Luoxi shook her head immediately, and explained incoherently: "No, no, don't get me wrong..." She was just startled by her brother's sudden arrangement.

Actually, she was indeed a little afraid of Aunt Ya.

Si Jingchen said softly: "It's okay, Mom is very gentle and kind."

To be honest, he could see that his mother was deliberately making things difficult for his little wife. He expressed his understanding of her mother's actions. After all, they had just met, and it was impossible for them to fall in love with each other as soon as they met.

But he is confident that his mother will fall in love with his little daughter-in-law. His little daughter-in-law is so attractive, as long as the mother spends more time with her, she will gradually fall in love with her. The reason why the mother went out together.

Shi Luoxi nodded, she was just a little afraid of the elders, she asked in a low voice: "Will brother go together?"

Although she knew that there was a 90.00% chance that her brother would not go with them, she still wanted to ask.

Si Jingchen replied helplessly: "It's the end of the year, the group has a lot of things to deal with, my brother may be very busy recently, Xi'er..."

Shi Luoxi didn't wait for Si Jingchen to finish: "Yeah, that brother has to work hard, otherwise it won't be a good year."

This sentence is inexplicably familiar, as if someone said it a long time ago.

Simu unintentionally popped up: "Why is it exactly the same as that little girl Ke'er said?" It's just that the little girl said it to Chen'er's father at that time, and the little girl in front of her said it to her son.

The atmosphere became quiet all of a sudden, everyone finished eating silently and went to breakfast. After breakfast, everyone was colorful.

Si Jingchen needs to go to work, and although Sifu has retired, he still has a lot of things to do, because the New Year is coming, so naturally there will be a lot of things to prepare, so Simu needs to go out for a walk today and prepare some things for the New Year.

Shi Luoxi followed Si Mu, and this was the first time she officially went out with her elders. She never knew what shopping was at Shi's house before, let alone what it was like to go shopping with elders, but this time she felt it.

Luo Xi was quite familiar with the places they went to. After all, sister Xuan often brought her here, and she followed closely behind Si Mu as a little one.

(End of this chapter)

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