good sunset view

Chapter 213 Could it be Ke'er

Chapter 213 Could it be Ke'er

Si Mu frowned, and asked, "Why did you go to the back?"

Shi Luoxi looked up at Aunt Ya, whom she had just known for more than a day. She knew that Aunt Ya didn't seem to like her, so she obediently walked behind, trying to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible.

It's just that Shi Luoxi was a little at a loss when she was asked this suddenly: "I, I..."

Si Mu didn't wait for her to answer, and then said, "Take my wrist."

Shi Luoxi was a little stunned: "Huh?"

Si Mu gave a rare explanation: "I was afraid that you would leave, and I would not be able to explain to Chen'er at that time."

So Shi Luoxi had no choice but to obediently hold Si Mu's arm.

After Shi Luoxi took her wrist, Si Mu didn't realize that she smiled surprisingly.

Hanging out with Simu all the way, Shi Luoxi understood what real shopping is.

Si Mu went into a jewelry store, didn't even try it, so she pointed out a lot, and asked the waiter to wrap everything up.

On the contrary, when Simu walked to the necklace area, she looked at a necklace with a cute design, and said to the waiter who followed: "Take this out and have a look."

The waiter skillfully took out the necklace, and Si Mu said to Shi Luoxi, "Try it."

Shi Luoxi looked at the necklace, it was quite expensive, and immediately wanted to refuse: "Aunt Ya is planning to give it to..."

Si Mu replied directly: "It looks more suitable for you, don't dawdle, give it a try."

When Shi Luoxi knew it was for herself, she refused even more: "Aunt Ya, I have some, so you really don't need to buy them for me."

Seeing that Si Mu didn't seem to believe it, Shi Luoxi immediately took out the necklace she had been wearing all the time: "Look, Aunt Ya, I really have it."

Originally, Si Mu didn't intend to look at it, but she still glanced at it inadvertently, and asked excitedly, "Do you have this necklace?"

Shi Luoxi said happily: "Brother Zibai gave this to me. Brother Zibai told me not to take it off. However, I did have one exactly like this when I was young. It was the most precious thing I had when I was young." Where are things!" Shi Luoxi was talking non-stop.

After finishing speaking, I realized that I seemed to have talked too much, and said embarrassedly: "Hey, Aunt Ya, I'm sorry, I talked too much."

At this moment, Si Mu came back to her senses, and she continued to ask: "Then where is your necklace?"

Shi Luoxi really didn't want to mention it, but it was her brother's mother who asked, so she said it out anyway: "The adoptive mother's daughter thinks it looks good, so I gave it to her." Her voice was very low, but Si Mu still listened to the whole thing.

Si Mu wanted to confirm: "Are you sure that the one Zibai gave you is exactly the same as yours?"

Shi Luoxi nodded and shook her head: "There is one difference, the words engraved on the innermost part of the necklace are different."

After listening to this, Si Mu felt unbelievable, how could it be possible, that necklace belonged to Keer, how could it be possible that the girl in front of her would have the same one!
Unless there is a possibility, the girl in front of them is the Ke'er they are thinking of?But how is it possible!Ke'er passed away 13 years ago, together with the necklace, this is a fact, Si Mu quickly overturned the idea just now, and didn't take it seriously.

But for the little girl in front of her, she really didn't hate it, to be precise, she didn't hate it at all, and she was even surprised to find that she really liked this little girl.

She has always wanted a daughter. Today, when she was shopping with the little girl in front of her, she felt that shopping with her daughter was very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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