good sunset view

Chapter 219 Low Presence

Chapter 219 Low Presence
After making the arrangements, Si Jingchen immediately rushed to the last place where his little girl was under surveillance.

He has always been very sensitive, but this time it doesn't seem to be the case. When he arrived at the place where his little girl disappeared, he didn't react at all.

Can't find anything, Qi Zibai also rushed over after a short while, and also brought many of his subordinates, so the whole downtown area showed a group of dark people, and a group of people in military uniforms, they shuttled through the entire downtown area.

This side is desperately looking for someone, and on the other side, the grandfather who entered the emergency room has not come out for a long time.

Shi Luoxi anxiously walked back and forth outside the emergency room, but it kept showing that the operation was in progress, and she didn't know what happened to Grandpa Qi and whether he was alright.

Shi Luoxi walked back and forth like this for a long time, until a nurse came out, Shi Luoxi immediately stepped forward and asked, "Sister nurse, how is the old man inside?"

The nurse didn't remember it for a while, but after a while, the nurse realized who the little girl was asking: "Um, you mean the old man who fainted just now?"

Shi Luoxi nodded immediately.

The nurse continued: "He's fine, but his blood sugar is low. In addition, he has been exercising for a long time, so his body has exceeded the maximum load. In other words, it has exceeded the body's ability to bear." At this time, the nurse explained.

After hearing what the nurse said, Shi Luoxi seriously suspected that they might not be talking about the same person. If that's really the case, then why is the operating light always on, and if this is the case, then why hasn't Grandpa Qi come out for so long? .

Shi Luoxi asked again: "Then why haven't you come out for so long?"

The nurse spoke again and said, "The old man said he was sleepy, so he will infuse it first."

Shi Luoxi stroked her forehead, is it really like this?

"But the lights in this operating room are always on!" Shi Luoxi asked incomprehensibly.

The nurse found that this little sister had quite a lot of problems, but she still patiently replied to Shi Luoxi: "Uh, kid, this is the emergency room, and patients are being rescued at any time. Let's do it! You're so worried Grandpa, should the grandpa be your grandfather? I'll make arrangements for the grandpa to be transferred to the inpatient department."

After the nurse finished speaking, she really went to make arrangements, while Shi Luoxi stood there blankly, she couldn't believe her ears.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the nurse to push grandpa out, and Shi Luoxi followed him to the ward.

Master Qi said it was funny, he woke up as soon as he was sent to the ward.

He opened his eyes and looked, and asked, "How long do I need to adjust the water?" He pointed to the salt water bottle.

Shi Luoxi didn't know either, she shook her head, but luckily the nurse hadn't left yet, and the nurse returned: "There are still three bottles left after hanging this bottle, I guess it will be at night!"

When Mr. Qi heard this, he was not happy: "Why is it taking so long? I'm fine, just unplug it for me!"

Shi Luoxi immediately went up to stop it: "No, Grandpa Qi, you must lose them all."

The nurse also agreed with Shi Luoxi, and then said: "Grandpa, you can be content! You have such a granddaughter who has been with you all the time. You don't know that today you can return your skinny little granddaughter to our hospital. Yes, and I have been waiting outside the operating room for a long time."

After listening to what the nurse said, Mr. Qi officially noticed Shi Luoxi. Mr. Qi's reaction was true. Is our classmate Luo Xi's sense of existence so low?Such a big living person is in front of you, but you didn't notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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