good sunset view

Chapter 220 Lovely Grandpa Qi

Chapter 220 Lovely Grandpa Qi
Grandpa Qi looked at Shi Luoxi formally this time, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this little girl was so familiar, as if he had met her somewhere.

The nurse quietly left the ward.

After a while, old man Qi said: "You are, you are Jing Chen, that boy Jing Chen..." Old man Qi thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

Shi Luoxi called obediently: "Grandpa Qi is good."

Old Master Qi laughed all of a sudden: "Haha, I remembered, you are Chen'er's very precious little girl."

Shi Luoxi was a little embarrassed, she didn't know if her brother was her baby, but she knew that her brother was the best person in the world to her.

Shi Luoxi asked, "Grandpa Qi, are you feeling better?"

Mr. Qi looked at the little girl in front of him again, he didn't look too carefully last time, and he was hostile to her that time.

After looking at it carefully this time, he found that the little girl in front of him is quite attractive. What he didn't expect the most was that this little girl actually saved his life. I'm afraid he would be a little embarrassed to say this. As a soldier He was born, but one day he was rescued by a skinny little girl. If you say this, who will believe it.

Mr. Qi nodded: "Be better!"

When Shi Luoxi saw that Old Master Qi was really getting better, she said happily, "That's great, then I'll go and contact my brother and the others now."

Hearing what Shi Luoxi said, Mr. Qi immediately yelled: "Oh, it hurts me to death, it hurts so much!"

Actually, it's so fake, but our classmate Luo Xi actually believed it, and immediately asked nervously: "What's wrong with Grandpa Qi? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

Old Master Qi shook his head: "No need, it will be fine after losing these." He recovered in an instant.

Shi Luoxi nodded, but still said: "Then I will contact Brother Qi and the others now."

Old Master Qi frowned, why is this girl so ignorant!

Old Master Qi said helplessly: "You little girl, why can't you understand what I mean! I mean, I'm going to let that kid come over after hanging up the water."

Otherwise, if they knew that he was in the hospital now, it would probably scare everyone, so in order to avoid that from happening, he had to prevent this little girl from contacting those boys.

Actually, Mr. Qi, you said that you just don't want your precious children and grandchildren to know that you are going to be a hero again!

Old Man Qi: That's right, otherwise I'll be bored to death in the future?

When Shi Luoxi saw this, she had no choice but to nod, but she felt that she should tell her brother, after all, she came out with Aunt Ya today, and they should be worried if she didn't go back.

Shi Luoxi was about to go out and make a call to her brother, but just two steps away, Grandpa Qi stopped her again: "Little girl, what are you doing?"

Shi Luoxi responded as it should: "I'll call my brother!"

Mr. Qi expressed his displeasure, you said you girl, didn't you tell you not to call Zibo and the others?

If you hit that boy Jingchen, isn't that the same as hitting his stinky boy?
Mr. Qi said forcefully: "No, come and talk to me. If you dare to walk out of the ward, believe it or not, believe it or not, I will pull out the salt water bottle." Um, Grandpa Qi, do you want to be so cute?

What does it have to do with others if you pull out the salt water bottle!
It's just that our classmate Luo Xi really does like this, no, seeing that Grandpa Qi is really about to pull out the salt water bottle, Shi Luoxi immediately stepped forward to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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