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Chapter 231 Happiness Comes Too Suddenly

Chapter 231 Happiness Comes Too Suddenly

Tian's mother nodded happily: "It's okay, that way you can save one person's ration in the future, it's too late for Mom to be happy!"

When Tian's mother finished saying this, her eyes were actually moist. How could any parent really be willing to let their daughter leave them.

But the daughter and the child Zibai, they all saw that the journey was not easy, and they all hoped that they could settle down as soon as possible.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Old Master Qi looked at Shi Luoxi: "Good granddaughter, come quickly and let grandpa take a look." They came here specially to see him, this good granddaughter.

Shi Luoxi first looked at his brother, and got a nod from Si Jingchen, and then Shi Luoxi walked to Grandpa Qi's side.

He opened his mouth and called out, "Grandpa Qi, Happy New Year."

Old Master Qi was very happy: "Hey, Happy New Year, Xiaoxi, here is this for Xiaoxi." It was a big red envelope.

Shi Luoxi refused, but in the end, she had to obediently accept it.

Qi's father and Qi's mother saw Luo Xi for the first time, and they couldn't help but carefully looked at this little girl who was loved by the old man and his son. She looked very ordinary, but there was something special about her.

Mr. Qi knew that his son and daughter-in-law really wanted to get to know his good granddaughter, so he introduced, "Xiaoxi, let me introduce you to Grandpa. These two are Zibai's parents. You can call them uncle and aunt!"

Hearing the old man's casual introduction, the Qi couple expressed their displeasure. The old man was treating them differently. Obviously this little girl is the son's younger sister, so isn't that their daughter?
Father Qi coughed: "Dad, since the girl calls you Grandpa, shouldn't she call us Mom and Dad?"

Old Master Qi's eyes came to Si Jingchen all of a sudden: "You think I don't want to! Ask Xiaochen if he agrees?"

Si Jingchen was sitting opposite the little daughter-in-law, and he hesitated at this moment. He always knew that the little daughter-in-law hoped to find her family, and she longed for the love from her family.

These are things that he, as a husband, cannot make up for. Although his parents are indeed good to his Xi'er, there is still a certain difference compared with his own parents.

Father Qi held the attitude of giving it a try, and said sincerely: "Xiaochen, how do you think we recognize the girl as a daughter? Zibai is the girl's elder brother, and we should be suitable as the girl's parents." right?"

When Father Qi said this, it was like an interview, and he was very nervous.

Everyone present looked at Si Jingchen at the same time. Although Si Jingchen had made up his mind, he wanted to hear what his little wife thought.

"How does Xi'er feel?" Si Jingchen asked.

Shi Luoxi was a little overwhelmed, she really didn't know, didn't know what to do, she shook her head, she naturally wanted to have her family, but they were all big shots, and she had nothing.

When Luo Xi lowered his head, Si Jingchen understood, and he said, "Yes."

Almost everyone present couldn't believe their ears, they all thought that Si Jingchen would definitely refuse.

Mr. Qi was the first to react, and laughed loudly and said, "That's great, our Qi family will also have a daughter in the future."

Happiness came too suddenly, Qi's father and Qi's mother, including Shi Luoxi, all smiled indescribably at such a sudden happiness.

On the first day of the new year, good news came one after another. Everyone agreed that this year must be the most beautiful year.

With the addition of relatives, Shi Luoxi's life has become more and more colorful, which makes our Si very unhappy.

Tell me, the little daughter-in-law doesn't have a single day that belongs to him, and she has different family members to take care of and love her every day.

(End of this chapter)

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