good sunset view

Chapter 232 Punishment Equals Reward

Chapter 232 Punishment Equals Reward
Finally, almost two weeks after the new year, our secretary finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he said he wanted to protest.

"Xi'er, did you forget something?" Si Jingchen picked up Shi Luoxi who was on the phone with his good friend An Manman.

The person on the other end of the phone was very knowledgeable. Hearing Si Da's voice, he immediately said sensiblely: "Oh, Xixi, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I hung up first!"

Amman breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone. She didn't want to feel that she would be frozen to death through the phone line later.

Shi Luoxi put down her phone, her brother came in just now, and most importantly, hugged her again.

She blushed so much that she asked, "brother, you, can you put me down?"

Si Jingchen didn't take it seriously, and hugged him even tighter: "Xi'er, brother is not feeling well."

Shi Luoxi immediately asked with concern: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

After speaking, he put his little hand on his brother's forehead: "I don't have a fever! Then why is my brother so uncomfortable?"

Si Jingchen took her little hand and placed it on his chest: "It's uncomfortable here."

Seeing such a cute brother, Shi Luoxi couldn't help laughing: "Brother, can Xi'er find a doctor for you?"

After speaking, he jumped out of his brother's arms and was really ready to go out.

Si Jingchen looked at this courageous little daughter-in-law: "Xi'er, has my brother been too nice to you lately?"

Shi Luoxi felt the danger coming.

Immediately obediently admitted his mistake: "Ah! That's right, Xi'er was wrong, really wrong."

Si Jingchen looked at this little daughter-in-law who was so good at admitting her mistakes, she was in a good mood, and nodded: "Then if this is the case, brother must make up for it."

compensate?What compensation?Shi Luoxi said she didn't know.

Si Jingchen said slowly, "Just punish Xi'er for all the time tomorrow belongs to my brother."

Aha, is this called punishment?Our classmate Luo Xi is very happy with this punishment, she likes staying with her brother the most.

The reason why Si Jingchen proposed such a punishment was mainly because his young daughter-in-law was about to start school, and after school started, there would be less time, so he had to cherish it.

With such a decision, our secretary is very much looking forward to tomorrow's arrival.

Student Luo Xi was also looking forward to this punishment.

The next day, she got up early, finished tidying up quickly, and knocked on the door of her brother's room.

The person inside replied directly: "Come in by yourself."

Shi Luoxi walked in obediently, and her brother seemed to have just tidied up: "So impatient?" Si Jingchen asked half-jokingly.

Shi Luoxi was a little embarrassed, and her little thoughts were punctured like this, indicating that she didn't know where to put this little face.

Si Jingchen just likes teasing his little girl, so after getting dressed, he took his little wife's hand and walked out the door.

Shi Luoxi is very well-behaved. Her brother didn't wear a suit today, and he looked particularly sunny, but in reality, her brother was very cold.

Shi Luoxi asked Si Jingchen all the way: "Brother, where are we going?"

Si Jingchen smiled: "I'll know in a while, by the way, Xi'er is going to start school again!" I still didn't forget to remind.

Shi Luoxi smiled and said, "Yeah, yes, school is finally about to start, I'm really looking forward to it."

Si Jingchen originally reminded his daughter-in-law that school would start, mainly to let her daughter-in-law cherish this last holiday, but he didn't expect him to be looking forward to it!
"Does Xi'er like going to school so much?" Si Jingchen asked in a flat tone.

(End of this chapter)

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