good sunset view

Chapter 233 The little sister who doesn't like to exercise

Chapter 233 The little sister who doesn't like to exercise
Shi Luoxi didn't think too much about it: "Well, that's right, you can learn new knowledge at the beginning of school, and you can also discuss and study with your friends."

Yoyo, our classmate Luo Xi keeps studying with three or two sentences, not bad!
How could Si Jingchen not know!The main reason why the little daughter-in-law likes to go to school is that she can stay with good friends. When it comes to this, he is inexplicably jealous.

This is the nature of their age, always talking and laughing with their peers, who told him to be so old!

Oh, you are not old, you are young, Si Da!
Si Da: Boss, I can even be her uncle in front of my Xi'er.

Luo Xi would be very happy if he knew about Si Dada's self-awareness.

With the words of the two, they arrived at their destination.

Holding the hand of the young daughter-in-law, Si Jingchen went straight in.

"Brother, what is this?" After entering, Shi Luoxi couldn't help asking.

Si Jingchen patted her head: "Tennis tribe, it's time for our Xi'er to exercise."

His little girl is good everywhere, but she doesn't like sports.

Shi Luoxi capitalized the embarrassment, she really doesn't like exercising, for her, exercising is something that she can escape as much as she can, how tiring she is!
When Shi Luoxi was in distress: "Xixi's side."

Hey, the voice is very familiar!Shi Luoxi looked up, that's right, it was someone she knew well, left her brother behind, and jumped over directly: "Manman, you're here! What a coincidence."

Just as she finished speaking, someone said, "Yes, what a coincidence!"

When Luoxi raised her head, there were so many people in front of her, including her sister Xuan and elder brother, and her younger brother Tian Muhe.

Among their delights, there are people they don't notice.

"What to look at, go to work quickly, remember that you don't need you in this area today." The manager of the tribe is reprimanding a summer worker.

The summer worker is very obedient: "Yes, I'm going to another district, but manager, why don't you serve this district today?"

Seeing that she was serious and obedient, the manager replied: "The people in this district today are people you can't afford to mess with, so if you want to save your own life, then be good to me and don't come to this district easily. If you offend someone, your life will be over." The manager said kindly.

After the manager finished speaking, he walked towards those people in the tennis area.

After the manager walked away, the summer worker peeled the glass and looked at the tennis area. She took a good look at the people inside, and she stared at one person intently.

She could recognize that person even after he died, and made a disdainful voice: "Oh, Shi Luoxi, so it's you! It seems that you are living a good life when you are young." Her eyes were suddenly filled with hatred, Jealousy.

Why, why should she be able to enjoy these benefits when she was Luo Xi, and when she was Feifei, she had to do a summer job here.

The more she thinks about it, the more she gets angry. Ever since their family got the [-] million more, mom and dad only wanted to expand the company. Who knew that all the money would be suppressed. Now she is in a dilemma, and she has to come to a place so far away for summer vacation work.

Because of the high salary in Beicheng, and the fact that Nancheng is far away here, she will not meet her classmates, so she came here to work for summer vacation so far away.

Who is to blame for all this!It's not Shi Luoxi's fault, it's because she left their Shi's house, she has to earn all her pocket money by herself now, if she had no money before, she would definitely be able to get some when looking for Shi Luoxi, now she can only rely on herself .

For such a gap, she Shi Feifei expressed unwillingness.

(End of this chapter)

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