Chapter 235
He didn't know who her idol was, so he made a bold guess: "Your idol is Brother Chen?"

Amman gave him a blank look: "Why do you think so? My idol has such a good temperament, you can't see it."

After returning to Tian Muhe, An Manman looked at the idol who was dueling at the peak again, and cheered for the idol: "Xixi is the best, come on..."

Tian Muhe was really influenced by this little girl who was always by her side, yelling and asking: "Is your idol Sister Luo Xi?"

Due to the influence of his elder sister, Tian Muhe naturally regarded Shi Luoxi as his younger sister.

Amman: "Well, yes, have you noticed that my idol is the brightest in the audience?"

As an honest person, our classmate Tian Muhe said this: "Oh, it is indeed the most flashy in the game, and I can't catch a single ball."

Amman gave him a blank look, why is this man like this!Her idol only learned how to play today, so it's pretty good to be able to reach this level.

"Hey, do you know how to watch it? My idol is the best. Look, the idol just learned it and can play so well right now." Ammanman still praised Shi Luoxi.

Tian Muhe is also very cold when facing people other than those brothers and sisters: "Tian Muhe, but he is still weak."

Amman didn't react, Tian Muhe?What the hell?

"What is Tian Muhe?" Amman asked.

Tian Muhe looked at the little girl in front of him, as if he was worried about her IQ: "My name is Tian Muhe."

Amman then smiled and said: "Haha, so it's the name! Since you have said your name, reciprocity: Amman."

Tian Muhe repeated: "Amanman?"

Amman nodded.

Tian Muhe didn't realize it, but he actually smiled. This seems to be the first time he smiled at an unfamiliar girl!

Amman immediately returned to her little fan appearance: "Idol Xixi, come on, come on, you will definitely win."

After the whole fight, it was indeed Shi Luoxi and the others who won. Of course, it wasn't because Shi Luoxi and Si Jingchen fought hard, but because Qi Zibai and Tian Jingxuan took good care of their sister.

Amman happily showed off to Tian Muhe: "Look! My idol is not very good, they won!"

Tian Muhe looked at Amman like an idiot.

After getting off the court, Shi Luoxi suggested: "Manman, why don't you play a game with Brother Mu He?"

Tian Muhe seemed to hear some joke: "Xiaoxi, are you stupid playing ball?"

As soon as Tian Muhe finished speaking, he received someone's stare.

Immediately changed to: "I mean, how can I bully a little girl!"

Our classmate Manman didn't like to hear these words: "What? Are you despising me? Where do you have the confidence to beat me?" Ammanman spoke harshly.

Tian Muhe bared a smile: "It's not contempt, it's the truth."

snort!Dare to discriminate against their little girls: "Huh! It's useless to say so much, it's not good to say it on the battlefield."

After An Manman finished speaking and walked into the court, Tian Muhe was challenged by a little girl. How could this work, he had to fight.

Next is another peak duel. Among the four who just got off the court, the two young ladies are looking forward to it!

Looking at the smell of gunpowder on the court, you know that this is a battle with drama.

The people on the court were full of gunpowder: "Don't cry when you lose." Tian Muhe said while playing.

Amman said that she looked down on people, and actually looked down on their girls: "Okay, then wait and see who wins and who loses."

(End of this chapter)

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