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Chapter 236 Rogue Rules

Chapter 236 Rogue Rules
Tian Muhe smiled: "Left." Reminded.

There is a gap in physical strength between boys and girls. Soon in the second half, Ammanman's physical strength began to show weakness, and this was the time when Tian Muhe was at his best.

Naturally, Tian Muhe also saw it: "Hey, let's call here!"

Amman is the kind of person who will persist in doing things to the end: "No, continue."

Tian Muhe shook his head: "If you fight like this, you will be exhausted."

Amman doesn't care so much: "In the fight, the loser will be punished, and the punishment will be customized by the winner." Although he knows that he is likely to lose.

Tian Muhe originally thought that she was just impulsive, but she didn't expect that she was really serious.

The two wonderful matches deeply attracted our two young ladies off the field: "Sister Xuan, who do you think will win?" Shi Luoxi asked.

Tian Jingxuan smiled, and said firmly: "Manman will win."

Shi Luoxi looked curious: "Why? Judging from the current duel, it is clear that Brother Mu He has the advantage, and the score is higher than Manman's."

Tian Jingxuan knew her younger brother too well: "Xixi, just wait and see, sister is right."

Shi Luoxi was dubious, but in her heart she still felt that Brother Mu He had a better chance of winning.

Shi Luoxi and Tian Jingxuan, who had been watching the game, stared at the court non-stop in the end. Shi Luoxi even thought she was dazzled: "Sister Xuan, please pinch me to make sure it's not my dazzle."

How could Tian Jingxuan dare to pinch her, Si Jingchen took her little hand: "Eat some fruit, and your eyes will not be blurred."

Regarding this nonsense, classmate Luo Xi: "Brother, did you also see that Brother Mu He was actually defeated by our Man Man, our Man Man is really amazing."

One second he doubted his own eyes, but the next second he praised him. Si Jingchen touched his silly girl's head, and a discerning person could tell at a glance that Tian Muhe deliberately let the ball go. End the game as soon as possible.

The game did end quickly, and Ammanman, the person involved, still couldn't believe it. In the second half, she was obviously not good enough, but for some reason, this person named Tian Muhe played worse than her.

Out of the court, Amman said happily: "Haha, I won, remember there will be punishment!"

Tian Muhe looked indifferent: "Oh!"

Afterwards, they played freely for a long time, this time Luo Xi played completely, full of sweat.

Si Da's heart aches for his little girl at any time!

"Let's come here today!" Si Jingchen said, and now is the time for everyone to have the most fun, but who told us that our classmate Luo Xi doesn't like to exercise, which makes his physical strength weak.

Everyone made OK gestures, but Qi Zibo didn't forget the game just now!

"Jingchen, please have dinner." Qi Zibai said.

Shi Luoxi was a little puzzled, why did my brother invite me?
Tian Jingxuan knew that this girl was curious, so she gave her a popular science: "We have a rule, if you win, please eat."

Why is this!This guy named Jing Chen is too strong, they can't beat him at all, and he is a big boss, so such rules must be made.

Shi Luoxi: "Ah! Then isn't this a win for nothing? I feel sorry for my brother's money."

Si Jingchen heard that the little daughter-in-law was heartbroken for her money, and said that it was not bad, and said, "My brother will take care of Xi'er's money in the future, so that Xi'er can get rid of these rascal rules in the future."

He didn't refute such rogue rules before, it was because he didn't have a little butler, now that he has, can these rules be considered abolished.

(End of this chapter)

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