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Chapter 242 Bold Conjecture

Chapter 242 Bold Conjecture

Immediately, Feifei's cell phone rang, she looked at the person opposite, and answered the phone: "Hello."

A voice quickly came from the other end of the phone: "Excuse me, is this classmate Shi Feifei? I am the director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Spanish International School. I want to inform you that your student status has been transferred to our school. The school's start date is March [-]st. "

Shi Feifei hung up the phone in doubt. She first searched for her student status in her original school, but found that she couldn't find it.

Si Jingchen asked again impatiently: "Can you hand over the necklace now?"

Si Jingchen's words this time scared Shi Feifei a lot. Although she was really scared when she first met these two people, it scares her even more now.

Shi Feifei took out the necklace.

Si Jingchen picked up the necklace and looked at it carefully for a long time. It was indeed Ke'er's, but now he was very puzzled, why this necklace appeared on Xi'er!
Si Jingchen asked, "How long has Shi Luoxi been wearing this necklace?" In order not to reveal his relationship with Xiao Nizi, he always said Xiao Nizi's full name.

Shi Feifei's goal has been achieved, so it doesn't hurt to say it out: "She always brought it with her when she came to our house."

After asking this question, Si Jingchen left directly. On the way back, Wei Feng made a bold guess: "Master, is there a possibility that Miss Luo Xi is Miss Ke'er back then."

It's not that Si Jingchen didn't make this guess, but it didn't fit the bill. His little girl was in an orphanage until she was three years old, and she was adopted by Shi's family after she was three years old.

And Ke'er stayed with them until he passed away, so the timing would not match up.

Si Jingchen shook his head, there is no such coincidence in this world: "The timing doesn't match up."

Wei Feng expressed his doubts: "Then why is this necklace on Miss Luo Xi again? How can this be explained?"

Si Jingchen himself was also very puzzled. Regarding the sudden appearance of the necklace, which put them all in a predicament at once, could there be a possibility that it was man-made?
Wei Feng: "Master, is there a possibility that someone deliberately took away Miss Ke'er's necklace first, and then..." He didn't finish the rest.

This kind of possibility is almost impossible, because before the accident, Keer was still with him, and the necklace was always worn by Keer.

All possibilities have been overturned, Si Jingchen: "Wei Feng, check Xi'er's information again, I suspect that the information we investigated before is wrong."

Re-investigating the information is not because he doesn't trust his little wife, but because he wants to protect her better.

When he was about to get home, Si Jingchen suddenly said to Wei Feng: "Is it true that my Xi'er is Ke'er as you guessed?"

Regarding the young master's question, Wei Feng suggested: "Since the young master also has such an idea, why not let Miss Luo Xi and Miss Ke'er's parents do the DNA test directly, won't you be able to get the result soon?"

Si Jingchen looked out the car window: "Do you think it's possible? If Xi'er is really Ke'er, it means that someone is watching us all the time, and even if we do a hundred DNA tests, it's very likely that it will be destroyed. "

Wei Feng said immediately: "We can directly ask Dr. Qin (the Si family's personal doctor) to do it face to face."

Si Jingchen shook his head: "It's impossible for Aunt Jingyuan and the others to appear on the scene, not to mention it's not easy to get their DNA, and we can't let them know."

(End of this chapter)

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