good sunset view

Chapter 243 The Person Who Has Lived in My Heart for a Long Time

Chapter 243 The Person Who Has Lived in My Heart for a Long Time
After all, Ke'er's departure caused them so much harm and gave them this kind of hope all of a sudden. If the final result is not, it will undoubtedly bring them even greater damage.

After arriving home, Si Jingchen finally ordered: "Just do what you said just now, and re-investigate all the information about Xi'er."

Wei Feng nodded.

After giving the order, Si Jingchen pushed open the car door. At this moment, he realized that he really missed his Xi'er, and wanted to see her right away.

After getting off the car, he strode to Shi Luoxi's room. As he expected, the little girl was drawing again, and he hugged Shi Luoxi from behind.

Being picked up suddenly, Shi Luoxi smelled a familiar smell: "Brother, didn't you go to work?" Why did you come back again?
Thinking about the conjecture just now, Si Jingchen couldn't hide his inner excitement. If his Xi'er was really Ke'er, that follower, thinking of this, he hugged Shi Luoxi tightly.

"Xi'er, do you think you are the one who has lived in brother's heart for a long time?" Si Jingchen murmured.

Shi Luoxi obviously didn't understand the meaning of his brother's words: "The person who lives in my brother's heart?" Shi Luoxi asked in a low voice.

Si Jingchen let go of his girl, there were some things and words he couldn't say to his little girl, and he scratched her nose: "What did you draw today?" Si Jingchen changed the subject.

Shi Luoxi's attention was successfully diverted: "Today I drew Xiao Miao Mi, brother, look at it." After speaking, he handed the drawing book to her brother.

Xiao Miaomi is a very dedicated model. Knowing that the master finished the painting, she called out several times as if asking for credit.

There is no need to question his little girl's painting skills, it's just the things she draws!He expressed his displeasure, why wasn't he painted?

"When will Xi'er be able to paint brother?" Si Jingchen said quietly.

Shi Luoxi touched her little ears, as if she had only drawn a cartoon version of her brother, and hadn't drawn a portrait of him yet.

Shi Luoxi replied: "Brother is too handsome, I don't have the courage to draw." What she said was indeed the truth, if the drawing was ugly, it would be embarrassing.

Although Xiao Nizi was praising him, Si Jingchen didn't think it was a reason: "A person wearing a mask is also called handsome?"

Shi Luoxi nodded.

Si Jingchen: "Is Xi'er refusing to paint my brother?"

Shi Luoxi immediately explained that she really didn't think this way: "Really not, my brother is really handsome, so Xi'er didn't have the courage to draw my brother. Oh, by the way, brother, aren't you going to work today?"

Si Jingchen knew that his little girl was trying to change the subject, so he cooperated very much: "Come on, I just miss my silly girl, so come back and have a look."

Shi Luoxi didn't realize that her brother was talking about her: "Silly girl? Did that brother see it?"

For such a cute little daughter-in-law, can you not hide it?
"Well, after seeing it, I'm still so stupid." Si Jingchen returned.

It took Shi Luoxi a while to realize: "Brother, you are stupid, Xi'er is smart!"

What Si Jingchen likes most is teasing his little girl every day. Whenever he encounters any problems, as long as his little girl is by his side, he will not think those problems are difficult.

For Si Jingchen, there is a sign in his heart now: his Xi'er is very likely to be a follower.

Shi Luoxi found that her brother was easily distracted today, so she waved her hand in front of her brother's eyes: "Brother, do you have something on your mind?" Shi Luoxi asked.

Si Jingchen came back to his senses, he didn't want to deceive his little girl, even if he couldn't say it now: "Well, but I'm sorry, brother can't tell Xi'er yet, when the time is right, brother will let you know. "

(End of this chapter)

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