good sunset view

Chapter 244 Intimate little padded jacket

Chapter 244 Intimate little padded jacket

At least until the results come out.

Si Jingchen didn't want to say it, and Shi Luoxi naturally wouldn't force his brother to say it.

I didn't worry too much, thinking that school was about to start.

Shi Luoxi said happily: "Brother, Xi'er starts school on Monday! It's the last semester of my sophomore year, I'm looking forward to it!"

That's right, his Xi'er is about to start school again, which means he has to start the enemy defense mode again.

"Shall we go back this week?" Si Jingchen asked.

Shi Luoxi nodded, school was about to start, their previous residence was close to the school, it would be more convenient for her to go to school if they went back to live.

But I thought: "Brother, should we tell Aunt Ya and Uncle?"

Si Jingchen knew that his little girl was very sensible: "Brother will tell them later."

When the meal was over, Si Jingchen said, "Let's go back this weekend."

Si's mother and Si's father didn't react, what do you mean by going back?Where to go?
Simu immediately asked in a loud voice: "Go back? Where are you going back?"

Si Jingchen added, "Xi'er is about to start school."

Uh, for this supplementary explanation, Si Mu said that she wanted to beat her son, can you be more precise.

Si Mu: "Mom knows! Xiaoxi starts school on Monday, and Mom plans to go to school with Xiaoxi."

As the school director of Spanish, Simu usually doesn't have to go, but she will still attend the general opening ceremony.

Si Jingchen said again: "The previous residence was close to Xi'er's school, so it's convenient to go to school."

This time, Si Mu finally figured it out: "The old house is also close to Xiaoxi's school! Mom can also pick up Xiaoxi to and from school every day!"

For Si Mu, what she likes most now is staying with this half of her daughter. People say that her daughter is a caring little padded jacket, which is absolutely true.

After getting along during this time, Mother Si couldn't bear to part with Shi Luoxi, a caring little padded jacket!

Shi Luoxi raised her little paw: "How long will it take to walk from here to school?" She asked weakly.

In order to prove that she heard correctly: "Xiao Xi, did you just ask about walking to school?"

Shi Luoxi nodded obediently.

Si Mu looked at her son fiercely for a moment: "Xiao Xi always walks to school by herself?"

Shi Luoxi nodded, didn't she go to school on foot?
After hearing this, Si Mu immediately exploded: "Si Jingchen, tell me, why do you let our little Xi walk to school? Why didn't you pick him up?"

Shi Luoxi didn't expect Si Mu's reaction to be so big, but she thought it was really normal!

Si Jingchen didn't speak.

Si Mu was very angry: "Chen'er, Chen'er, I really didn't expect you to be such a stingy person, and to save such a waste of money, you wronged our little Xi and asked our little Xi to walk go to school."

Shi Luoxi really wanted to explain, but Aunt Ya had misunderstood her brother: "Aunt Ya, no, it was me..."

Si Mu was getting angry: "Xiao Xi, don't defend him, don't worry, with Aunt Ya here, this kid won't be able to abuse you in the future."

This time my brother was really wronged, but the client said: Yes, you are right.

Si Mu said directly: "Chen'er, today Mom can stop talking here. From now on, Xiaoxi must live here, in case you abuse our Xiaoxi again, and Mom has decided that Xi The Chinese class time is adjusted to nine o'clock."

The corners of Si Jingchen's mouth twitched, he had wanted to do this a long time ago, but unfortunately, his little girl is too low-key, she just doesn't want to let the driver pick her up, she just wants to walk to school by herself, now he has to thank his mother .

(End of this chapter)

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