Chapter 257

Shi Feifei looked at Yu Xiner: "Xiner, I can't help it." After all, life is important.

Yu Xin'er didn't expect Shi Feifei to betray her, so don't blame her for being polite.

She turned her head, trying to find her elder brother Chen, but she didn't expect that the moment she turned her head, there was no one at all.

Si Jingchen ran over non-stop after hearing Shi Luoxi's exact location. As the largest shareholder of Xiyu, he knew the layout of the school quite well.

He quickly came to this bathroom, and pushed open one door after another, but there was no one he wanted.

Now there is only the last one left, Si Jingchen's hand touched the door, but he paused, he was afraid that his Xi'er would really be inside after opening it, but he was also afraid that his Xi'er would not be inside.

With a heavy and complicated heart, Si Jingchen finally pushed the door hard, but unexpectedly, the door didn't open.

Si Jingchen immediately became nervous: "Xi'er, Xi'er, are you in there?" He shouted.

But no matter how much he yelled, there was no response from inside, not a single sound.

At this moment, his heart became so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Wei Feng, Shen Junxuan and An Manman who came with them all guessed unanimously: "It is very likely that it is inside."

Amman: "What to do, what to do, Xixi, please don't be in trouble..." Ammanman said, and shed tears.

Shen Junxuan's heart was also entangled. Like An Manman, he hoped that Shi Luoxi was fine and nothing happened.

As the only sane Wei Feng present, he decided decisively: "Master, we must open the door immediately."

Si Jingchen didn't have time to think, so he slammed open the door with all his might.

The moment the door slammed open, everyone held their breath. They saw that there were indeed people inside.

The moment Si Jingchen knocked open the door, he saw the person in the bathroom. His whole body was soaked, and it was obvious that he had suffered a lot of injuries, and he was just lying in the pool of the bathroom.

At this moment, it was so difficult for Si Jingchen. He couldn't accept that the person who appeared in front of him was his little girl, and he couldn't even imagine what she had gone through.

He picked up Shi Luoxi with trembling hands, and rushed out of the bathroom holding Shi Luoxi like the wind. Fortunately, Wei Feng had arranged the car earlier.

Si Jingchen hugged his little girl tightly and got into the car: "Hospital, hurry up, hurry up."

The driver in front was frightened by such a young master, so he immediately speeded up, trying to reach the hospital as fast as possible.

In the car, Si Jingchen kept trying to wake up his little girl: "Xi'er wake up, wake up, brother is here, look, I'm brother, Xi'er wake up, please?" Her voice trembled, and tears dripped down Shi Luoxi's cheeks.

How could Luo Xi see such a brother when she was in a severe coma, and how could she know that her brother was so worried about her.

Si Jingchen continued: "Xi'er talk to brother, okay?"

He choked up, he hated himself so much now, why couldn't he protect his little girl well!He hates him like this.

The person I was holding in my arms was helpless and couldn't be woken up. Si Jingchen felt that the journey to the hospital was very long, and it would take a long time to get to the hospital.

Si Jingchen kept telling the driver to speed up, and the driver had indeed accelerated to the limit. The Spanish International School is actually not very far from the hospital, and the drive usually takes about half an hour.

At the current speed of drivers, they can reach the hospital in about 10 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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