good sunset view

Chapter 258 Severe coma

Chapter 258 Severe coma
As soon as the car stopped, Si Jingchen immediately rushed to the hospital with his Xi'er in his arms until he was sent to the operating room.

Si Jingchen was restless outside the bathroom, and kept saying, "Xi'er will be fine, she will be fine."

Tian Muhe, who happened to pass by, did not expect to meet his brother Chen here. This is his second week of internship in this hospital.

Tian Muhe approached and greeted Si Jingchen enthusiastically: "Hi, brother Chen, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Si Jingchen is now completely enclosed in his own world, and has no idea what's going on outside.

Tian Muhe didn't feel embarrassed because Si Jingchen ignored him, because they were more used to such a cold cousin.

Tian Muhe said to himself: "Brother Chen, I am now a doctor! I will be a doctor in the future. If my cousin needs it, I promise to be there on call..."

Tian Muhe chattered a lot in Si Jingchen's ear until Ammanman and the others who came a little later arrived.

Amman looked at the person in the white coat in front of him, as if he looked familiar.

When she was trying to remember, Tian Muhe also saw her, and he immediately asked calmly, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Ammanman didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, and asked directly: "Are you a doctor in this hospital?"

Tian Muhe nodded, he is considered half a doctor now!

Amman continued: "Then can you know what happened to the person who was operated on?"

Only then did Tian Muhe notice that this operating room was undergoing surgery.

Immediately looking at Brother Chen's appearance, as if thinking of something, he asked: "The people inside, yes, yes..."

Amman: "Xixi, Xixi was seriously injured."

Sure enough, it confirmed Tian Muhe's conjecture just now, that the only girl who could make his brother Chen so nervous is Xixi!

He immediately asked, "What happened to Xixi?"

Amman is currently focused on the operating room. Seeing this person, I am afraid that he will not know the operation situation inside, so he ignores him.

At this moment, he also waited anxiously.

Although Shi Luoxi's injuries were serious, they were actually some skin traumas. The reason why she passed out was probably due to lack of energy and being splashed with too much ice water.

Of course, the possibility of being abused by Yu Xiner and Shi Feifei is not ruled out.

In fact, the operating room was pushed away not long after, and Shi Luoxi was quickly pushed out.

Si Jingchen looked at the pale little girl who still hadn't woken up, and asked the doctor nervously, "How is it? How is the patient?"

The doctor is very respectful to Si Jingchen, after all the whole hospital belongs to them.

The doctor said: "The patient does not seem to have any serious problems at first, but some hidden conditions cannot be ruled out, so further examinations are needed, but this can only be checked after the patient wakes up."

Si Jingchen frowned, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Why are you still awake? Didn't you say there is nothing serious?"

The doctor trembled when he asked him this question, but he quickly explained: "Master, it's like this. The reason why the patient is still awake is because he has fallen into a severe coma. This is probably caused by being poured with ice water."

After the doctor finished speaking, Si Jingchen showed murderous anger.

Wei Feng knew that the young master was really angry this time, and it is estimated that some people will be overwhelmed and walk around.

When Luoxi was put into the ward, Si Jingchen held her little hand tightly, looking at her pale face and the scars all over her body, Si Jingchen's anger continued to soar.

(End of this chapter)

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