good sunset view

Chapter 285 Let nature take its course

Chapter 285 Let nature take its course
Si Jingchen and Qi Zibai listened to Tian Jingxuan's words very seriously.

Tian Jingxuan narrated the conversation she heard that day: "They said that the little girl was still alive, and then mentioned that the little girl was the heir to the empire."

Qi Zibai and Si Jingchen glanced at each other, and Si Jingchen asked, "How can you be sure that the little girl they are talking about is still alive?"

Tian Jingxuan continued to think about the conversation between those two people: "It seems that I learned about it from an old lady. By the way, that old lady now lives in a small town in country H."

old woman?Could it be the servant who took care of Ke'er personally back then?The servant who took care of Ke'er all those years ago did indeed disappear after that disaster. So, that servant can indeed be regarded as an old lady now.

Qi Zibai asked: "So now if we want to find Ke'er, we must first find the old woman?"

Si Jingchen nodded. At present, this is indeed the only way to confirm the identity of the little girl as soon as possible.

Tian Jingxuan didn't understand: "Didn't Chen say that Xixi is very likely to be Ke'er? Why don't you just let Aunt Jingyuan and Xixi do DNA testing? Isn't it faster?"

I have to say that Tian Jingxuan and Qi Zibai really have a good understanding, even the questions they ask are the same.

This time it was Qi Zibai who replied: "No, although this is indeed the fastest method, it is also the most risky. As you heard, those people have not yet achieved their goal."

Si Jingchen took Qi Zibai's words: "In other words, if the DNA test is done directly, it will definitely attract attention. After all, Aunt Jingyuan and Uncle Yu have special identities; at the same time, it will also bring danger to Xi'er. In addition, if Xi'er is not Ke'er, then it will cause more harm, and it is very likely that it will hurt two girls at the same time."

Finding the real Kerr is important, but if the price is based on losing someone important, they will never take the risk.

Whether it was Luo Xi at the time of the incident, or Yu Ke'er, no matter whether they were the same person or not, they would not allow any accidents between Ke'er and Luo Xi.

It was only then that Tian Jingxuan realized that she really couldn't do this rashly now. It is really fast to do a DNA test, but it is not safe around them. Even if the tester is the person they trust the most, there is no guarantee that something will happen.

Of course, the most important reason is not to let those let know that they are also looking for Ke'er, so as not to attract the attention of the enemy.

As long as there is a slight sign of identification, it is very likely that people will be targeted.

Qi Zibai asked: "Is this the reason why you let the girl leave on purpose?"

Si Jingchen nodded: "Yes or no, I have the ability to protect Xi'er, and I'm not afraid of those people, but if Xi'er insists on leaving this time, let her change the environment first, without any pressure."

As a girl, Tian Jingxuan actually felt that it was not good to do so, and she might become sick from lovesickness: "But maybe Xixi will not be happy when she leaves, she will be happy, maybe she will be even more sad."

Si Jingchen sat on the chair, looked at the bracelet in his hand, it was the 17th birthday gift he was about to give to his little girl, and returned after a while: "Let's let nature take its course!"

Although she has the ability to protect his Xi'er, there is no guarantee that an accident will happen. Sister Xuan is indeed right, what if his Xi'er is unhappy, unhappy, and even more sad!

These things seem to be beyond his control, so he can only let nature take its course and follow the original plan.

(End of this chapter)

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