good sunset view

Chapter 286: To the Origin

Chapter 286 Back to the Origin
Several people fell silent, they understood that they would not see their cute little girl for a long time in the future, and the time was still unknown.

After Si Jingchen left the base, he went straight back to the little nest that belonged only to him and his little girl, and it was full of little girl's breath.

Taking out the exquisite bracelet again, Si Jingchen was in a daze again. He had been carrying this bracelet with him since he had a premonition that Xiao Nizi was going to leave him, and he was even a little worried that this year's gift would not be delivered. go out.

One side is thinking about people after seeing things, while the other side is back to the original point.

When Luoxi got off the plane, this was her return to Nancheng. When Zeng Jin left Nancheng, she was in a hurry. At that time, she suspected that she might never return to this city again.

But unexpectedly, after going around and around, Luo Xi seemed to have returned to her original point. The only difference this time was that she didn't have to go back to Shi's house, she could be self-reliant.

The money she earned from comics is enough for her to finish high school in Nancheng.

While on the plane, Lin Yihua learned from chatting with Shi Luoxi that this is the place where the young lady lived since she was a child.

Walking out of the airport, Lin Yihua sighed, "Wow, the air here is really nice."

And asked: "Luo Xi, is this your hometown?"

Shi Luoxi nodded with a smile. The feeling of returning to her hometown obviously made her put aside the pain of leaving her brother for the time being.

"Nancheng, you can tell from the name. This city belongs to the south. It is a beautiful city. The local customs, every plant and tree here will attract different people. I believe you will fall in love with this city." Shi Luoxi said involuntarily.

Lin Yihua nodded in agreement, really wanting to take root here for a long time.

Shen Junxuan, who has been following them all the time: "Well, it is indeed the same as what you said, it is a place worth visiting."

Shi Luoxi noticed this guy this time, what's going on with this guy?Why are you still following them?

Shi Luoxi glanced at Shen Junxuan, and asked unfriendlyly: "Hey, can you stop following us? You are such an old man, don't you know how to be independent? Why follow others?"

Shen Junxuan replied as it should be: "You know this place well, since it was recommended by you, then naturally I have to follow you!"

In a word, student Shen Junxuan is Lai Shangshi's classmate anyway.

Shi Luoxi chuckled: "Do you need to book a hotel? I can help you." Shi Luoxi only wanted to send this guy away, otherwise he would follow her, and he might report to her brother.

Shen Junxuan chuckled: "No need, I will go wherever you go."

What Shen Junxuan said made Shi Luoxi want to beat someone up. Did this guy really rely on her?How can this work.

She pulled Lin Yihua, directly hailed a taxi, and quickly got into the car: "Master, please trouble No. [-] Yanxiang."

After finishing speaking, I remembered that I forgot to ask my new friend's address. It was all because I was hiding from Shen Junxuan just now, so I forgot to ask my new friend.

Lin Yihua said excitedly: "I also have this address! I plan to live in Nancheng for a long time! So I rented a flat with someone."

Lin Yihua couldn't help complaining again, what kind of co-renting!That house was prepared by the young master for the young lady.

When Shi Luoxi heard this, she immediately returned: "It's such a coincidence, I'm also renting together, so we may still be in the same building." The reason why she chose this place is that it is close to the school, and it is in Nancheng In terms of the whole price, the price is the cheapest.

As everyone knows, in fact, that price was deliberately lowered by your brother.

(End of this chapter)

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