good sunset view

Chapter 287 Too Many Coincidences Are False

Chapter 287 Too Many Coincidences Are False
And it's just waiting for you to move in obediently, your brother is really considerate of you.

At this time, the driver asked the passenger sitting in the co-pilot: "Young man, what about you?"

The boy in the front row replied: "Same as them."

When the driver heard the address, they were all the same, yes, they all dropped by: "Okay, let's go."

Hearing the voice, Luo Xi noticed the person in front again: "Hey, Shen Junxuan, how can you be like this? What is this? Why do you have to follow us?"

Shen Junxuan asked back: "You want to drive me away so much, and you don't want to see me so much?"

Shi Luoxi replied without hesitation: "Yes, I don't want to, I really don't want to."

Shen Junxuan turned around, looked at Shi Luoxi, smiled evilly and said, "That's really a pity, you might beg me to follow you later."

Shi Luoxi rolled his eyes at him. He had seen shameless people before, but he had never seen such shameless people.

Shen Junxuan went on to say: "Hey, it seems that I haven't contacted my cousin for a long time, why don't I call my cousin now! By the way, tell him that I happened to meet his baby." After finishing speaking, he still made a gesture Take out your phone and really want to make a call.

Shi Luoxi looked at him fiercely: "You, you are cruel, but it is not impossible to follow me, but I also have conditions."

Shen Junxuan nodded, motioning for her to say.

Shi Luoxi said: "It's okay to be together, but you have to keep it a secret for me, and you can't let my brother know, no, to be precise, you can't tell anyone where I am, and you can't tell who you are with, in a word Don’t let anyone know of my existence.”

Shen Junxuan made an OK gesture, and incidentally glanced at Lin Yihua who was sitting next to Shi Luoxi.

He complained in his heart: Shi Luoxi, you still don't believe me when I say you're an idiot, do you think your cousin won't know when you come here?I can guess it, not to mention someone with a high IQ like my cousin, and the one next to you, at first glance, is from a family who has practiced. Visually, he was sent by my cousin to protect you.

However, he doesn't know why his cousin did this, but he doesn't know how to say it. In order to stay here for a long time, he still has to be an obedient and good boy.

Along the way, Shi Luoxi and Lin Yihua talked and laughed, feeling that they were in a good mood.

Seeing Shi Luoxi who was talking and laughing all the way, Shen Junxuan felt inexplicably sad for his cousin. You see, this girl just left her cousin, so happy.

Of course, Luo Xi would never know about his thoughts.

After half an hour's drive, they finally arrived at the alley that belonged to their new house, and successfully found the building number of the new house.

Although Shi Luoxi now knew that Lin Yihua and her were in the same building, she didn't know that the two would actually be renting friends soon.

Take the same elevator, enter the same floor, until you get off the elevator, walk to the same door, and take out the key you just took out at the property.

Shi Luoxi and Lin Yihua were ready to insert the key almost at the same time, Shi Luoxi and Lin Yihua agreed in unison: "Are you my renter?"

Shen Junxuan, who had been following them all the time and was willing to be Luoxi's porter, somewhat despised this Miss Lin, obviously doing it on purpose and pretending to be so.

But this kind of acting is really more suitable for an idiot like Shi Luoxi, who can't even see such a big flaw.

Opening the door, the three walked into their new home.

Shen Junxuan packed the luggage for Shi Luoxi, and Shi Luoxi thanked him friendly: "Shen Junxuan, thank you for carrying the suitcase for me, now you can leave."

(End of this chapter)

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