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Chapter 296 Kung Fu pays off

Chapter 296 Kung Fu pays off

Yu Xiner's mother and daughter frowned, paying for the medical bills?What is this taking them for?Beggar?Does their family seem to be short of medical expenses?
Yu Xiner is very dissatisfied with her uncle now, she said with disgust: "How could uncle do this, I am his niece! Why didn't they help me? Why did they favor an outsider, and I was the victim okay?"

Although Yu Changshan dotes on his daughter, but for the sake of the overall situation, he has no choice but to endure some things.

"Okay, Xin'er, your uncle already knows that it was you who bullied him first." Yu Changshan said loudly.

This was one of the few times Yu Changshan spoke loudly to Yu Xiner, and Yu Xiner felt aggrieved: "Dad, you yell at me, don't you care about Xiner? Don't you want Xiner as a daughter?"

Yu Xiner used extremely aggrieved words, and cried while speaking.

What Yu Changshan couldn't see most was when his daughter shed tears, and immediately comforted him with distress: "Xin'er, you are not at a disadvantage. I heard that girl will not be able to have children in the future."

When Yu Xiner heard this, she immediately seemed to come alive. She never thought that Luo Xi would not be able to have children at this time. It seems that the part she kicked was very correct that day.

Forget about asking for justice, so to speak, Shi Luoxi, that little bitch, will not be able to have children in the future, isn't this exactly the result she wants most!

The reason why he made such a bad move at the beginning was to make Brother Chen completely dislike her. Now that it's done, he doesn't believe that Brother Chen will want her again. A hen that can't lay eggs will never become a favored phoenix.

Yu Xin'er's mother confirmed again: "Honey, are you saying that that wild girl Shi Luoxi can no longer have children?"

Yu Changshan nodded affirmatively.

Knowing this news, Yu Xiner was overjoyed. Now she doesn't feel that she has been hurt much. What she has suffered is much worse than that of Shi Luoxi.

After learning the news that Shi Luoxi was infertile, Yu Xiner went back to school the next day.

The first thing she did when she returned to school was to find Shi Luoxi. She had already inquired about it in the hospital, and Shi Luoxi had already been discharged from the hospital.

The first thing she did when she came back was grabbing her little follower and asking, "Why didn't Mi Xin see Shi Luoxi?"

Mi Xin happily said to Yu Xin'er: "Xin'er, you don't know that Shi Luoxi has already dropped out of school, and she hasn't come to school for a long time!"

Yu Xiner couldn't help showing a winner's smile.

Mi Xin went on to say: "Everyone said that Shi Luoxi must have been dumped by an old man, so there is no money to stay in our Spanish language. After all, our Spanish language is not something that any cat or dog can afford..." Mi Xin talked more and more vigorously.

Of course, Yu Xiner listened with great interest, and didn't care that her classmates knew about her being dragged to the toilet and beaten violently.

After listening, Yu Xiner couldn't help laughing again: "Haha, I didn't expect that! I really didn't expect that Shi Luoxi is so inexperienced, it seems that she is not very good at it!"

At least her kung fu has not allowed Brother Chen to keep her unconditionally. In other words, Brother Chen will not want a woman like her who can't have children!
That's right, brother Chen is the heir of the Si family, so how can such a huge Si family have no heir.

Yu Xiner made no secret of her happiness. Her series of words and actions were all seen by An Manman, who deeply hated Yu Xiner.

She didn't understand why such a powerful person as President Si let Yu Xiner go so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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