Chapter 297
But forget it, as long as her Xixi's family is doing well, she doesn't mind these people, these nosy things.

However, from what she said just now, she could tell that Yu Xin'er thought that President Si drove Xixi away, and An Manman couldn't help but want to laugh at this point.

Her idol escaped by herself, and intentionally escaped without telling President Si. I don't know if Yu Xiner knows this, will it confirm the sentence: "It's only three seconds."

Of course, she wouldn't say anything, she just waited to see how this Yu Xiner continued to kill herself.

But when it comes to idols, Amman misses her Xixi so much.

In a blink of an eye, her Xixi had left her for almost two months, but during this period, she did not receive any news about Xixi.

In fact, she was still a little bit disappointed, she was really worried that her idol, Xixi, would forget her.

At the same time, Luo Xi couldn't help but sneezed a lot during class.

Shen Junxuan, who was sitting next to her, said coldly: "Someone must be nagging you, or scolding you."

Shi Luoxi turned her head and gave Shen Junxuan a big roll of her eyes. As long as this guy speaks, he won't have a good word to say, and sometimes he really deserves a beating.

Lin Yihua jokingly said, "Luo Xi, it could be that your new master is missing you!"

When Lin Yihua said this, Shi Luoxi was instantly shy, and her little face turned red.

She covered up excitedly: "No, no one will miss me, I'm so unlovable."

Shen Junxuan took a naughty look, he naturally knew how popular Luo Xi was in their family at the time, but he still deeply remembers that she was their family's favorite, and his aunt liked her very much.

But he, Shen Junxuan, never said anything good: "It's good to have self-knowledge."

Shi Luoxi realized that she could really be pissed off by this guy anytime and anywhere.

It was almost two months since they came to Nancheng, and the three of them stayed together almost every day. The three of them had long been used to this kind of daily confrontation.

As for these, Si Jingchen naturally knew that sometimes he really wanted to wring that brat, Shen Junxuan, away.

Every time he would grit his teeth and say: "Shen Junxuan, you better not do anything too extreme, otherwise I will make you never see my Xi'er."

Anyway, the fact that this brat likes his Xi'er is becoming more and more obvious, it seems that he has to speed up his pace!
He was in Country H at this time, although he wished to fly to Xiao Nizi's side immediately, but the situation did not allow, those people had already started, far earlier than they had planned.

Although country H is not as big as the empire, it is not small either. It is actually very difficult to find someone in such a country.

Lunka failed again: "Boss, can you be more specific about this person's characteristics?"

These days, they are looking for a needle in a haystack every day, and the key is to prevent those who are looking for the old lady like them.

Si Jingchen closed his eyes: "Let the technology process the photo and make the person in the photo more than 50 years old."

Lunka immediately went to do this.

After returning, Lunka said: "Boss is right, today I intercepted a message from country H to the empire. I deciphered it. It is an address in a small town in country H."

Si Jingchen immediately grasped the important point: "The address of the small town in Country H?"

Lunka nodded.

Si Jingchen seemed to have thought of something. He remembered that Sister Xuan said that the high-level executives of country H told Yu Changshan that the old lady lived in their small town in country H. It seemed that Yu Changshan had officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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