good sunset view

Chapter 310 The Bracelet That Appeared out of Nowhere

Chapter 310 The Bracelet That Appeared out of Nowhere

Shi Luoxi smiled foolishly: "Xi'er is not complete anymore, Xi'er is incomplete now, not worthy of my brother." After saying this, Shi Luoxi's tears fell down uncontrollably.

Seeing the little girl's tears, Si Jingchen felt very distressed. How much he wished that his girl would be more selfish, not think so much about him, but follow his own heart.

After finishing speaking, Shi Luoxi smiled foolishly again and said: "By the way, brother, although you are the brother in my dream, you can't tell my brother! Otherwise, otherwise I will never dream again." is you."

Regarding this girl's threats, Si Jingchen just wanted to hug her tightly. Since the little girl still doesn't want to, then he is giving her a little time!

But this time may not be too long. Before long, he will definitely come to pick up this stupid girl of his family. At that time, no matter what his stupid girl thinks, he will definitely take her away.

Then, from then on, he held her tightly and never gave her such a chance to escape from him.

This night, Shi Luoxi only knew that she had a long, long dream. In the dream, she dreamed of her brother, who had been with her for a long time.

It's been so long that she doesn't want to wake up, helpless, it's dawn, and she has had enough sleep, when she gets up, she is indeed the only one on the bed.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes. The moment she raised her hand, she felt as if something was added to her hand.

Looking towards the wrist, heh, it turned out to be a bracelet, very delicate, she tried hard to think back, as if she didn't have such a bracelet!

But why did such a delicate bracelet end up in her hands!This is not scientific!
She tried hard to recall, but helplessly, she couldn't recall, thinking maybe it was because she was too tired yesterday, she forgot for a while, thinking, she must ask Shen Junxuan and Yihua later.

After quickly washing up, she walked out of the room and came to the dining table, where she found that there was a rich breakfast on the table, and it seemed to be her favorite.

She couldn't help asking: "Shen Junxuan, are you spending money again? Isn't so much breakfast a waste? Why are you like your brother?" Do you all like such a waste?

Shen Junxuan shrugged, anyway, he didn't prepare it, but he didn't know how to say it.

Shi Luoxi sat down, and the three of them started their daily breakfast. While eating, Shi Luoxi suddenly thought of something, she raised her hand, and waved it in front of Shen Junxuan and Lin Yihua.

And asked: "Do you two know how this bracelet on my hand came from? And this bracelet can't be taken off. I'm sure I don't have such a beautiful bracelet myself."

Shen Junxuan and Lin Yihua cooperated and took a closer look. In fact, the two knew at a glance who gave the bracelet.

Besides Si Jingchen, who else could give away such an exquisite bracelet.

Shi Luoxi asked again: "Do you know?" She was eager to know how the bracelet on her wrist came about.

Lin Yihua laughed and said, "Luo Xi, are you sure you want to listen? This is a tortuous and long story!"

Undoubtedly, Shi Luoxi really wanted to know, and nodded without thinking: "Listen, tell me quickly!"

Shen Junxuan, who had been silent all this time, coughed and said, "This is the birthday present from Lin Yihua last night."

Shi Luoxi couldn't believe it, so why didn't she have the slightest impression?

Shen Junxuan went on to say: "Who told you to go out in the rain last night when you had nothing to do? When you came back, we were going to give you a birthday present. I didn't expect you to be lucky. You had a high fever and you were burnt out."

(End of this chapter)

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