good sunset view

Chapter 311 What I Want to Know

Chapter 311 What I Want to Know
Shi Luoxi was a little surprised, did she have a high fever last night?
Shen Junxuan continued: "When Lin Yihua took out the bracelet and gave it to you, you said it was beautiful, so you put it on your wrist, but who knows, you were so fat that you couldn't take the bracelet off after you put it on. "

Lin Yihua gave Shen Junxuan an admiring look. He didn't expect this kid to be so good at making up stories. She felt that this kid could make up the rhythm of stories anytime and anywhere!
After Shi Luoxi heard it, her mouth was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. She didn't know that she was so embarrassed last night!

This is terrible, is it all her fault for going to the rain!If I didn't go to the rain, this kind of thing wouldn't happen, oh, damn it, it's all my fault that I don't know which muscle is wrong.

Also, is she fat? Is 42 kg considered fat?No, no, now is not the time to dwell on this issue.

Shi Luoxi was worrying about the bracelet, and Si Jingchen, who had left Shi Luoxi's room early in the morning, returned to the orphanage again. Since he met him by such a coincidence, he would definitely not miss it.

He walked into the orphanage, and the people in the orphanage seemed to know that he would definitely come.

Especially the dean, the dean was in the hut where he talked to him yesterday.

As soon as he walked in, the dean asked, "Is there anything else, Mr. Si?"

Si Jingchen nodded.

The dean smiled: "Xiao Xi will not come to the courtyard today, Mr. Si, please come back!"

Faced with this rushing rhythm, Si Jingchen would naturally not obey.

Si Jingchen said straight to the point: "Du Qiuxia should be here now!"

Hearing what Si Jingchen said, the dean was not too surprised, as if he would know what Si Jingchen said.

The dean didn't deny it either, but he didn't answer Si Jingchen either.

Si Jingchen said again: "I don't know the relationship between Du Qiuxia and the dean, but the dean should know that she is very important to us, to be precise, she is very important to Xi'er."

After listening to Si Jingchen's words, the dean smiled: "Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Si Jingchen said directly: "I want to see Du Qiuxia."

Afterwards, the dean ignored Si Jingchen and sorted out the documents on his own. Si Jingchen was not in a hurry and stayed in this small room.

Finally, two hours passed, Si Jingchen looked at the time.

The dean also just sorted out the documents in her hand at this time, and then she left the room directly.

In an instant, Si Jingchen was the only one left in the room. Seeing that it might be impossible to see Aunt Xia today, he walked out the door.

The originally noisy playground outside became quiet in an instant. Si Jingchen, who walked to the door, felt extremely sensitively that someone was walking in his direction. He stood there, motionless.

Sure enough, after a while, a person was standing face to face with him.

Si Jingchen raised his head and took a closer look at the person in front of him, but he didn't expect that it was an unfamiliar face, which he didn't recognize.

The four eyes met, and the lady in front of her spoke first, and asked with a smile: "Is the gentleman here to adopt the children in our yard?"

For this voice, Si Jingchen always felt a little familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember who it was similar to.

Before he answered, the lady asked again: "Sir, do you have anything else to do?"

Si Jingchen almost didn't think about it, so he said "hmm".

The lady smiled again and said, "Oh, then please come into the room and talk." After finishing speaking, she entered the room first.

Si Jingchen originally planned to leave, but for some reason, he unconsciously walked back into the house again.

(End of this chapter)

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