Chapter 384 bite back

Following the man's astonishment, Mr. President and Mrs. President and his party, who were talking about important things, also noticed the situation here.

Especially Si Jingchen, who almost rushed over immediately.

When Shi Luoxi was also reminded by that person, she found that Yu Xin'er seemed to be injured. She knew that she had just been discharged from the hospital and her body should be relatively weak.

She didn't care about Yu Xiner's backbiting, but pulled out the crowd, ran into Yu's house, and took out the first-aid kit with ease.

The whole process was very short, so short that when everyone realized it, "Student Yu, your leg is bleeding. I'll give you a simple treatment first, is that okay?"

For this coherent action, almost everyone present, including the president and the president's wife, were stunned.

After Yu Xin'er came to her senses, "No, Shi Luoxi, did you just slap someone and then give him a candy?"

The President's wife didn't know the situation very well, but she felt that Yu Xiner's words were a little impolite, and it was because of her elders.

The President's wife: "Xin'er, how can you talk like that! This little girl wants to treat your wound. Why don't you thank her and still say that?"

The tone of the president's wife was actually somewhat disappointed with Yu Xiner.

Yu Xin'er felt extremely wronged, and tears immediately fell out: "Auntie, that's because she pushed me down the stairs because of me."

Yu Xiner pointed at Shi Luoxi.

The president's wife looked at Shi Luoxi again. She liked this child very much, and thought it was impossible.

Then she whispered to Yu Xin'er again: "Xin'er, we can't just wrong people without evidence."

Yu Xiner shook her head: "No, auntie, she really pushed me just now, and I fell down the stairs, and she was the one who appeared in the parking lot that time, I told uncle and auntie , Her name is Shi Luoxi."

Speaking of the parking lot, the president and his wife naturally knew what was going on.It turned out that this girl was the little girl that Xin'er had mentioned, who not only refused to save her, but also added fuel to the fire.

But from her human eyes, the little girl in front of her didn't look like that kind of person when the president's wife was struggling psychologically.

Someone said: "President, Mrs. President, I seem to have seen this little girl holding a first-aid kit just now. Her hand is indeed stretched out."

With this person's proof, it is obvious that everyone is more willing to believe Yu Xiner, after all, she is very likely to become the next person in power of the Yu family in the future.

Shi Luoxi didn't care about these gazes, but continued to say to Yu Xiner: "Look, it's still bleeding, let me deal with it for you first!"

Yu Xiner was very disdainful, she didn't want Shi Luoxi to treat her wound at all, she showed fear: "You, who knows if you won't..."

Before she finished speaking, she was stopped by someone, and Si Jingchen directly pulled his little girl up: "Xi'er, are you overflowing with sympathy again?"

Shi Luoxi smiled awkwardly, she was told by her brother again, her face was slightly red.

Si Jingchen continued, "What if I get my hands dirty later?" After speaking, he pampered Shi Luoxi's nose.

When Si Jingchen said this, no one could tell that he disliked Ms. Yu for being dirty.

The president and the president's wife have always liked Si Jingchen, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with his words.

But it can't be so stiff, the president's wife called the servant from the old house: "Take the lady to the bazaar."

The servant nodded, and muttered softly, "It's strange, the first-aid kit is so hidden, why is it here?"

After the servant finished muttering, she helped Yu Xiner up with one hand, and took the first-aid kit away with the other hand.

Although this was not the result Yu Xiner wanted, what could be done, on such an important occasion, she could only obey the arrangement of her uncle and aunt, and had no choice but to let the servants take her away.

(End of this chapter)

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