Chapter 385
The servant's mutterings were naturally heard by those who listened carefully, including the president and the president's wife.

It can be said that Si Jingchen was dissatisfied with this banquet: "Uncle, Aunt Jingyuan, you also saw that Xi'er was a little frightened, so I left first."

Everyone present was a little surprised that Si Jingchen wanted to leave the banquet early, mainly because it was said that the banquet never left first.

Everyone was waiting to see the president's answer, and the president lived up to expectations and quickly gave the answer.

The president said: "I have generally understood everyone's proposals today. The banquet is over here. Thank you for coming."

Many people were surprised when they heard the president announce the end of the banquet. After all, the banquets in the past usually lasted for a long time, but it didn't take long today, and it can be said that it has just begun.

Since the announcement was made by the president himself, everyone did not dare to have too many objections, so they left the Yu family's old house one after another.

Si Jingchen, who was the first to propose to leave, had already brought his little girl back home.

After sending the guests, the president and the president's wife back to the presidential palace.

Along the way, the President's wife sorted out what happened just now: "Changfeng, did you see just now, the little girl brought by Xiaochen, she can take out the first-aid kit from the old house with ease."

Yu Changfeng nodded: "Yes, apart from Mom, you and I, only the servants who have been working in the old house know where the first aid kit is stored, but the little girl brought by Xiaochen just now knows where it is stored There, you can get the first aid kit so quickly."

When the president said this, the wife of the president replied: "Do you think it was Xiaochen who told her?"

The President shook his head: "Impossible, because no one would have expected to use a first-aid kit at a banquet."

The President's wife once again recalled the person she met just now: "Changfeng, to be honest, the first time I saw that little girl, it was like seeing myself, but when I looked closely, it was different. She looks very She is cute, giving people a beautiful feeling, and people can't help but want to get close to her."

This is exactly the opposite of her, she is the kind of feeling that is difficult to approach.

The president replied: "If our daughter is still alive, she should be about the same age as this little girl today!"

When the president said this, the president's wife said boldly: "Changfeng, do you think she is our daughter?"

For such a bold conjecture, the president was not calm: "No, it's impossible. Our daughter left early in the fire, so how can she appear now!"

The President's wife still thinks it is: "But looking at that little girl, I have a special feeling. I can't explain it clearly. I even think of her as our daughter in a trance."

The president shook his head, but he also had some expectations for this conjecture: "Okay, let's not think too much, just ask Xiaochen!"

As a president, it's actually very easy to get to know someone, but they don't want to do that.

Since the person was brought by Si Jingchen, there must be his special intentions.

They think so mainly because Si Jingchen is trustworthy with them, just like today's banquet, he can easily bring people in.

The president's wife agreed with the president's proposal.

Back at the presidential palace, the president's wife couldn't wait to have the president talk to Si Jingchen.

At this time, in Jingxi Pavilion, someone seemed to know that the president would call, so he answered the phone.

Very respectful: "Uncle, what are you doing?"

The president asked straight to the point: "Xiaochen, who is the little girl you brought today?"

When the president asked this question, his hand holding the phone tightened unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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